Source of the 500 Poisons - DOWNLOAD NOW HERE
In the tradition of Myth-style solo combat comes a map with striking new gameplay elements. CoD: Source of the 500 Poisons will challenge the way you think a solo map should be played. Match wits with the Fallen Lord Myrdred, a.k.a. The Deceiver, a.k.a. Source of the 500 Poisons in the treacherous Foothills...
Monday, November 7, Fifth Year of the War
Foothills of the Cloudspine
The battle for Tyr raged for the better part of a week before The Watcher vanquished the garrison stationed on the north wall. Shortly thereafter, the south wall fell to the Deceiver, and within minutes the two Fallen Lords were pouring into the city, destroying all who dared stand in their way. Within the ruined walls, the most extraordinary thing happened. They began to attack each other.

The reasons why they clashed so swiftly and violently are beyond my comprehension, but doubtless the feud goes back before the arrival of Balor. The Watcher was worsted, and his army destroyed. Severely wounded and angry as hell, he fled eastward, away from the wrath of his rival, hoping desperately to cross the Cloudspine before Rabican's southern legion sealed off Bagrada.
The Deceiver would not let him rest. With the taste of his triumph still fresh, the victorious Fallen Lord was not one to stand idle while his arch-nemesis escaped. The Deceiver pursued his enemy across the Plain of Scales for weeks, his every thought dominated by an insatiable thirst for The Watcher's blood. The Watcher eluded both Rabican and The Deciever, escaping into the East, but now the Deciever himself is in a similar predicament. His army is camped in the foothills by the Plains in the most treacherous terrain I have ever witnessed, surrounded by Rabican's superior army. Dark chasms wait to swallow up those who stray too far from the path.
Dawn is breaking. Fearing a trap, Rabican has foregone a direct assault and instead has chosen a small group of us to enter the camp through a local Knot. Our mission is to destroy the Deceiver's army once and for all. They are waiting for us, angry because of the Watcher's escape and frustrated by Rabican's military tact. They lust for the blood of another foe. We will no doubt face all forms of trickery, evil, and foul play from this slippery fellow, but if we succeed, the West will be free of the Fallen's tyranny, for now.

Source of the 500 Poisons features the first world knot AI on a solo map - use retextured world knots such as this one to jump around the level and cross the black chasms - like the one featured at the bottom of this screenshot
Also check out the new berserk flavor text... its just one of dozens of new flavors that supplement the Coming of the Dark story and keep you amused while playing

Another battle in the foothills...
Your party is ambushed shortly after taking a local Knot across a chasm... That is one dead warlock!

The Deceiver makes his final stand... for obvious reasons, he can't die on this level or it would screw up the Myth story, but you can give him solid thrashing that he won't soon forget, and drive him out of the West... the Journeymen in the background hold off Myrmidons...
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