Legends of The Fallen Lords Volume 1
by Jon God of Project Magma
- Version:
- 1
- File Size:
- 263.7 MB
- Type:
- Netmaps
- Author:
- Jon God
- Group:
- Project Magma
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 103
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Gallery of overhead maps for all the ported maps
Where to begin - I guess with the trigger for this project. One day, July 28th, 2024, remedial. found an article online talking about some Badlands maps for Myth: The Fallen Lords. It made total sense that Badlands had made maps for TFL, as they were hired to work on Myth II - I just always thought that their maps had all been ported to Myth II. I was wrong. So looking through all the TFL maps via the UltimateMythMaps archive on archive.org, I found out that a lot more than the missing Badlands maps had never been ported forward! Shock!
Thus, I started to look into what it would take to bring some of these forwards, and worked using IronDuke’s TFL mesh converter, which had some serious issues early on, but thank the universe that ZeroPipeline was able to help update the source of the map converter, leading to all the maps you see now. Truly without those 2, this would have been impossible and never happened.
With all that said, what is and what isn’t included with this? Well, I took stock on all the TFL maps, and pulled the best of the best to start with, outside of some of the ProjectMagma ports, that’s what’s included here.
Jon God - November 4th, 2024
- 16 Inches and Accumulating - by El Bastard
- A Frozen Hell - by Mike Coleman
- And Rataxus Laughed - by Ssendam
- Autumn's Tidings - by Sandman
- Blacken My Eye - by clem
- Blackwater Cove - by Badlands
- Blood in the Wadi - by Badlands
- Bloodily Tableland - by (Author not listed)
- Blunt Force Trauma - by Circumflex
- BMF Slingfest - by Thoran
- Carnage for the Masses - by Deadman
- Carnage on Ice - by EyeSore
- Civil War at Arcon - by Psycholord
- Clay Fort Conquest - by Sub
- Colosseum - by Sub
- Dead Man's Mire - by Deadman
- Death In Dire Lighter - by Setik of Badlands
- Den of Inequity - by Kelstek
- Do Phish Swim - by Lan & Clown
- Drown Below - by Mormith
- Echoes of the Wind Age - by Hate Man
- Fallen Victors - by (Author not listed)
- Forged North - by Thoran
- Green Eggs and Hamlets - by VR (Voracious Rabbits)
- Heart of the Jungle - by Badlands
- It's Chilly Out Here - by Pooka
- Like Blood Theough a Sieve 1 - by Malkavian
- Love On the Mountain Top - by Iggy Popped
- Maniacres Sink - by KingDuct Bacon
- Mesa de Sangre - by El Bastard
- My Hill! - by (Author not listed)
- Necropolis - by Badlands
- Picnic at Spiderbark Park - by Bubba
- RaiSiN bArN - by Badlands
- Return of the Elf Kings - by Badlands
- Root Cellar - by Badlands
- Shadowmines - by Badlands
- Storm or Sunny - by Sub
- Temple of the Trow - by Mormith
- The Battle of Stirling - by McAllistar, Ripp, Kodiak and Elmer Bludd
- The Dark Kindred - by Badlands
- The Highlands - by Sub
- The Ring of Seventeen - by CB
- Torpidinium - by Fisj
- Unholy Ground - by Mormith
- Valley of Ruin - by Deadman
- Vessel - by Deadman
- Wastelands - by Badlands
- Weekend at the Hamptons - by Chikatilo
- Wights of Passage - by Fisj
So, because some of the plugins had tag changes, they wouldn’t work perfectly in vTFL - so I had to compromise. When you see two of a mesh in the map list, and one has (TFL) after it, that is the updated version to work with vTFL.
Not everything converts 1:1, but I got as close as I possibly could for this whole project.
SOMA’s Island Hopping wasn’t finished, and wasn’t playable, so I included it as a Myth II local, so it could be finished if someone wanted to.
During this project, I also ported the last of the ProjectMagma TFL plugins to Myth 2 - but due to them being ProjectMagma maps, I will release them separately. I will however list them here:
- Flight from Covenant II - by ChrisP
- Forest Heart II - by ChrisP
- Ambush at Devil’s Outlook II - by ChrisP
- Ghol Rugby - by Deadman
- Mazzarin’s Demise - by ChrisP
- Mazzarin’s Demise II - by ChrisP
Well, see the next section about Sacred Ground. Other than that, I made a new list of TFL maps, which would include all the remaining “new” content for TFL. What this doesn’t include is unit tweaks on core maps, unit trade swaps on core maps, or core single player maps converted to versus.
These could theoretically be part of a Legends of The Fallen Lords volume 2…
There is also the magnum opus of TFL modding, called Sir Muariac’s Tale, which was never ported to Myth II, but that’s a huge undertaking.
Both are possible, but I haven’t decided if I will take the time, as both are big time commitments.
So, is this ever Badlands map for Myth: The Fallen Lords? The answer is “Maybe”. As I worked on this project, VinylRake was able to dig up references to another TFL Badlands map, called Sacred Ground, though was not able to find more information than just the name. I wasn’t able to find it my archives either, and with the internet being what it was back then, finding much more than the name has been impossible. If anyone has even a beta of the map, I’d love to port that over, and have the complete Badlands collection from TFL for Myth II.
There is the link to the only known confirmation about this map. Thanks to VinylRake for digging this up!
The maps above have their credits listed, but for more in depth credits, I kept all the original readmes with all the plugins, so you can get more in depth information. That being said…
- Jon God - I put this project together, ported all the maps, and did a ton of restructuring by hand to make this all work.
- remedial. - Helped me with the media maps for Blackwater Cove and Bloodily Tableland. It helped to understand what needed to be done going forwards.
- IronDuke - For the map porting tool and source, without this, it none of this would be possible.
- ZeroPipeline - Without you, and the changes you made to the porting tool, I’d still be working on this a decade later. Thank you for keeping me from going insane.
- Fisj, Deadman, Kelstek, Circumflex, Chikatilo and IggyPopped - Thanks for giving me permission for the ports, I wish I could have gotten ahold of everyone who’s maps I ported!
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