Leggo II Arena
by Rohan of Men of Rohan
- Version:
- 1.0
- File Size:
- 3.8 MB
- Type:
- Conversions
- Author:
- Rohan
- Group:
- Men of Rohan
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 2216
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A Myth II total conversion for people who like little men, and big explosions. Leggo II has 6 new units and 4 maps.
Leggo II (FFA)
This is the map I thought of when making Leggo II. It pits all of the units against each other on a 4 Man FFA (Free For All). The map is designed to be played by 4-8 players. 2-man teams are recommended, since it gives you more time to micromanage the units -something Leggo II's projectile play relies on. For reasons of sanity the rover is only available in the assassin version.
Leggo II (Team)
A map that has it all. All the units, trading and no restrictions on the Rover unit. Fun to play, hard to master. It should be played by large teams, preferably 3 or more per team, as there are lots of units to look after.
Leggo II (Alt FFA)
The Alternate maps (Alt) have predetermined games with no trading, to highlight different unit combinations. The combinations used are:
- 2 Saiyans and 1 Bishop for lmoth, bacon, captures, koth
- 4 Mechs for BC - FR - terries - CTF
- 3 Rovers for stampede - assassin
Leggo II (Alt Team)
2 team version of Alt FFA with larger number of units to really make things interesting.
- 8 Saiyans and 4 Bishops for lmoth, bacon, captures, koth
- 8 Mechs for BC - FR - terries - CTF
- 8 Rovers for stampede - assassin
Please read the included manual for more information.
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