Moon Mayhem!
by Capital of Crow's Bridge Cartographers
- Version:
- 7.0
- File Size:
- 201.6 KB
- Type:
- Netmaps
- Author:
- Capital
- Group:
- Crow's Bridge Cartographers
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 856
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Moon Mayhem! for Myth II: Soulblighter.
Version 7.0, general release.
Game Types: Body Count, Last Man on the Hill, Steal the Bacon, Capture the Flag, Assassin.
Game Units: Alric, Barons, Berserks, Berserk Heroes, Bowman Hero, Bre' Unor, Brigands, Cannons, Deer, Dwarven Mortar, Dwarven Mortar Heroes, Ghols, Heron Guard Hero, Journeymen, Poachers, Stygian Knights, and Trow.
This is my first map of any sort .)
The Map's size is 256 X 256, you have been forewarned! This brings the players much closer than in typical Myth maps.
One (1) Energon Cube has been placed on the map (I leave you to find it!).
Cannons have a longer range than the Mortar Dwarves, but they only have ten shots.
Stationary Mortar pieces have been placed on the map for Ghols to pick up and throw (6 total). Each team has two (2) mortar pieces located BEHIND the cannon balls. If you cannot see them at first, try zooming in. There is also one mortar piece on each side of the map (left and right of the middle).
On Capture the Flag, the Bowman hero will only show up on heroic difficulty and up.
Assassin does not have unit trading. Each team starts with four (4) Barons, three (3) Poachers, and eight (8) Trow.
Poachers have increased range and rate of fire. Barons take more damage before they die and move as fast as a Trow.
Place "Moon Mayhem!" in your plugin folder.
Have Fun!
Crow's Bridge Map Makers
Thank you's go out to Ghost Wheel and Groovedog for their help in this endevour and also to the whole LOP/PPK Team!
Version 7.0
Game type Assassin has been added; along with Poachers, Trow, and Barons.
Capture the Flag now features a Bowmen Hero on Heroic difficulty and greater.
Version 6.0 (none released)
Capture the Flag no longer has differing unit quantities depending on the difficulty setting because of a unit trading bug which allowed you to trade for a unit that was unavailable for the given the difficulty setting. When the game started you did not have the unit and therefore wasted points.
Capture the Flag Units Altered/Deleted.
Stationary Mortar pieces have been placed on the map for Ghols to pick up and throw (6 total).
Fire Pit changed.
Version 5.0 Final *(for the time being).
Capture the Flag has differing unit quantities depending on the difficulty setting.
Deleted unnecessary files.
Mesh edge scrambling is still an issue.
Version 4.0
Capture the flag Added.
Removed an ambient unit type.
Version 3.0 (none released)
Version 2.0 Order Release
Fixed Overhead map error and lack of Pregame screen.
Mesh on sides of map gets scrambled.
And maybe Lightening up the mesh.
"Overhead map Preprocessing error" Fixed
Please, I need help inserting a Pregame Screen and Overhead map! Fixed
Version 1.0 Order release (none released)
"Overhead map Preprocessing error"
Mesh on sides of map gets scrambled.
Please, I need help inserting a Pregame Screen and Overhead map!
And maybe Lightening up the mesh.
Do not alter the Read Me File.
Do not separate the Read Me file from the plugin "Moon Mayhem!"
Do not post on your web site for download without my permission.
Do Have Fun!
"Moon Mayhem!" IS NOT GUARANTEED to be free of errors which may crash your computer or cause other computer related maladies. I have tested "Moon Mayhem!" many times and no adverse side effects have at this time been noted.
Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie Software Products Corporation. Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing by:
NOTE: If you wish to email me, please include "Re: Moon Mayhem" in the subject area.
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