"Unbelievably FUN gameplay on one of the coolest maps Creation NEVER made!!!!"
Yes, I said NEVER made! WE DID NOT ORIGINALLY MAKE THIS MAP... that honor goes to someone named KillerK whom no one seems to know nor remember.
This fantastic map features...
An enclosed Castle with fantastic Ramparts
for attacking & defending positions...
Both BUSHIDO & Normal MYTH Meshes
(different Unitsets Optimized for each)
Outside Ledges & Tracks around map
making fantastic Flag & Assassin games.
Beautiful Blue Moat allows breathtaking
Wight attacks at the most innopportune times.
**This map is a Very small archive... just download it & try it out with a couple friends. "Everyone" who tries it is amazed at how fantastic & fun it truely is. This map has basically nothing to do with Creation, but ALOT to do with getting publicity for a map that we feel is Stellar & encompasses almost everything that makes a Great Map.
Peace in the Palace was a spectacular playing little map that Creation found has a very fond Cult following. The Mill has the original archive posted as "Unknown"... yet deep buried in the plugin is the name "KillerK". Questioned mapmakers & longtime myth people shake their heads & mumble things about never hearing of him/her. Whomever it was, or is, knows what makes a fun playing map.
After playing this map quite a bit I couldn't help from wanting to perhaps give this fantastic map a little makeover to help it's small flaws. After bringing the subject up to other members it seemed to be a overwhelming YES. So that is what has been done. But to take this one step further we have Optimized the resulting map for both Myth "&" BUSHIDO play.
The colormap has had an extensive makeover. It is still the exact layout of the original, except it now has a quality & feel that we feel this Map deserves.
The original unitsets have been replaced by 3 Myth meshes directed toward Large Armies & Team Play (Light, Dark & Slugfest). The BUSHIDO meshes are Optimized for Teams also ( Style & Grace, Brute Force, & lastly "Fireworks" which is an over the top conflict of "shido's" artillery & speed units).
