Raisin Barn II v1.1 [beta]
by oogaBooga
Ahh Raisin Barn - a delight to TFL fans everywhere. How many times have your elite Spider Queen flanks ravaged many an unsuspecting nub on Super Blind? How many successful ghol explosive flanks around a house model?
Myth's Urban Combat - at it's finest.
This is basically an open beta - considering the unforseen bug in the mwc release due to some tag conflicts, i wouldnt rule out another version coming out in the distant future.
Note about 1.7 and spider queen sprint behavior:
The sprint behavior in tfl works thusly - a unit can only sprint when attacking. It was only present on the spider queen unit, so not many people know or can tell the difference even upon scrutiny. Subtle.
Myth 2 however, works differently - you can keep any unit continually sprinting forever (ala heroes of coop) by re-directing their destination, and making sure they never start turning (pivoting) in place which stops their sprint. I took the liberty of extracting the raisinbarn.gor from tfl and looking at every unit tag to see what was different (keeping in mind the world unit difference between tfl and m2).
The warrior captains and the spider queens both kick just as much ass here as in TFL raisin barn -and the only reason the light and dark meshes arent considered "ports" is because i REMOVED spider queens from the FFA variants (yes - almost every original RB mesh had queens on it - check for yourself:P).
GOOD NEWS HOWEVER! 1.7 will address the "bug" which allowed units to continually sprint, so normal gameplay will resume on raisin barn and the queens will act EXACTLY like they did in TFL, with the TFL sprinting behavior.
More good news, is that plugins that allow, nay DEPEND, on the sprinting feature where you can continually re-direct your unit, will still be accomodated (myrd will allow people to keep the old sprint style as a mapmaking feature).
Dark FFA had an Assasin bug - an assasin unit was set to invisible. Oops! Thats what happens when you rush something out.
Magician bottles (nay, ALL bottles) act like normal m2 bottles again. The offending object tags leftover from Ferrex's attempt to make it TFL-ish (which instead made pus never set sats/bottles off) has been changed back to what it was originally intended.
NEW FEATURE: Hunting FFA light, has a bonus for the adventurous - ambient trow!
They will attack all peasants, and have a nasty script which will make them act smarter than usual when your units try to take it on. This is an experimental mesh, but we've tried it with numerous people and it adds an element of "OMG" to the map.
And since its hunting, nobody's forcing you to play it! Comments and criticism welcome, and if you find a bug i'll mail you a cookie! Pinkie swear.
Happy Mything!
Credits: Ferrex(dead) for, well, everything!
Renwood =58th= for being the only myther Ferrex trusted the map with, whom without we wouldnt be able to even see this beautiful brand new colormap!
And myself, ooga, for some minor crap that im sure nobdy wants to hear about:P
And BIG thanks to Classic of TBH for his multiplayer trow scripting! I've always wanted to see some ambient enemy units on a multiplayer map - to spice things up. It works beautifully, IMO.
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