by Kamsar of Wolfpack Team Bog
- Version:
- 1.1 (110)
- File Size:
- 5.5 MB
- Type:
- Team Netmaps
- Author:
- Kamsar
- Group:
- Wolfpack Team Bog
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 1512
A Map by Kamsar, Colormap by Magellan, Assorted ideas by Ar-Isildur.*
This is a shortened version of the full manual.
What is SIEGE?
SIEGE is a map for Myth II: Soulblighter. It pits two opposing fortresses against each other. Each fortress has a cannon and two crossbowman-towers to defend it, along with whatever regular army forces are around.
What is different in SIEGE from normal Myth II?
SIEGE differs in a few ways from regular Myth. Here is a list of most of the differences:
- Explosive weapons leave craters. These are very slight, so you can't dig huge holes.
- Dwarf bottles have Myth: TFL physics. i.e. you can carpet bomb with them, and they will sometimes ricochet if multiple bottles land in the same area. The reliability of the bottles is the same as Myth II.
- Ghols of Prey. These special Ghols appear on many of SIEGE's variants. They are standard Ghols, with a cloaking device. The device is activated by taunting the Ghol (it can also be reactivated this way). Cloaked Ghols are invisible to the other team until they attack or are damaged. Your team sees a cloaked Ghol as semitransparent. Note that any unit instructed to attack a Ghol of Prey while it is uncloaked will continue to track it even if you cloak it. Ghols of prey cost six trading points each, and they are disabled on most Stampede or Assassin games.
- Cannon. These Dwarven Cannon fire solid cannonballs to long range (just past the middle of the map). Each ball shatters on impact, firing bits of shrapnel all over. A direct hit by a ball is usually fatal, however dodging them isn't that hard. The cannon has a special attack of a firebomb shell. This shell flies just like a normal shell, but on impact spreads fire over a large area. With either shell, the cannon reloads in twelve seconds. The cannon is invincible unless both Cannoneers have died (see below). Cannon are always disabled if the game is less than Heroic difficulty level.
- Dwarven Cannoneers. These elite dwarves don't carry any bottles. They are highly trained cannoneers, with years of experience shooting at Ghol hordes around Stoneheim. They do carry four satchel charges. At least one Cannoneer must remain inside the rock ring around the cannon, or the cannon will go inactive. If both your Cannoneers die, your cannon is knocked out.
- Crossbowman Towers. These sandstone towers are designed to give a bowman an easy shot from a protected area. There are two archers in each tower, and they fire together in a salvo. The range and damage of tower arrows is a big improvement over normal bowman arrows. As a special attack, towers carry a combination arrow. This arrow will set the ground on fire as well as paralyze the target. This can have amusing consequences... :) Each tower has four combination arrows, and each team has two towers positioned on either side of the fortress gate. Note that what would hurt a real stone tower hurts these: arrows aren't very good, but a few dwarf bottles and kaboom. Also if you melee attack a tower, the stones that drop on your head when it dies hurt bad :) Towers are disabled if the game is below Normal difficulty level.
- SIEGE features some semi-standard units. Expect to see Myrmidons, Skeletons, fir'Bolg (carrying a single Fever Arrow), Swineherds, and Myth: TFL Thrall (way cooler death animation) in some variants.
What is special about SIEGE's meshes?
SIEGE has several features not seen in any mesh I know of. The fortresses are closer to what a real castle would be like, with only one easy entrance (right through the towers...) unlike most maps where castles have enough entrances to send whole armies storming in at once. Any section of the castle walls may be broken down with explosives to allow a less contested entry (highly recommended).Since SIEGE excels in CTF, I made some of the netgames more CTF-like. For example, in KOTH each team has a flag somewhat close to their base (outside tower range however). I have set the units up so who gets the initial lead is essentially random. The objective is to drive the enemy team out of contesting their flag, while holding your flag. It's pretty fun!This really isn't special, but I changed all the units' names to stuff from various (Greek, Norse, Hawai‘ian) mythology, among others (look at the wights...hehe). This includes all standard Bungie units.
What kind of variants are there in SIEGE?
SIEGE currently has six variants: three light, three dark. Each variant is loosely based on a previously released mesh. Many meshes have extra units on Legendary difficulty (such as a Myrkridian Giant, Journeyman, and several normal Ghols on Flirting in the Fen). The variants are:
- Death in the Desert. This mesh is similar to the Bungie map The Desert Between Your Ears. It has both PreyGhols and normal Ghols.
- Munging Muirthemne. This mesh is similar to the light variant of The Great Divide, with Heron Guards as primary melee. Skeletons replace GD's Brigands, to balance play more.
- Dusting the Dunes. This mesh is similar to nothing. It features a huge Ghol (standard Ghols) and Journeyman riot, with fir'Bolg and Dwarven Heroes. Eight Wights are included for pus on Legendary. Darn fun :)
- Fugitives in the Fen. This mesh is fairly similar to the Bungie map Drowned Empire.
- Flirting in the Fen. This mesh is Myth: TFL If I Had a Trow..., but with Ghols of Prey.
- Fighting in the Fen. This mesh is similar to Myth II's If I Had a Trow..., but with Heron Guards (NOTE: without heals!) replacing Mauls.
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