TSoT Solo Campaign

by Synapsed

The Soldiers of Tyr has been in the works for what seems like forever, I'm finally ready and proud to release it upon the world. This is my legacy to the game of Myth II: Soulblighter.

Included in this package are:

A six level solo campaign with a fairly detailed plot line and all loosely based around the 'Hero' type levels which are my absolute favourite.

Three brand new meshes from Alpha, one refaced Bungie mesh from Dozer and two slightly modified Bungie meshes from Xap.

Some unique never before seen scripting, Randomized Lighting as seen on Level 4 and some special Indoor scripting that makes it so you cant see over walls (although this does have its flaws) on Level 5 & 6. Six new heroes for you to fall in love with ;)

I would now like to thank all of those involved in the creation of this campaign, without them it probably still just be a thought in the back of my mind and they are: Alpha, Dozer, GIANT™, Xap, SiliconDream, Reddek, Andrew Leman and Chris Lackey.

Also special thanks to all the beta testers involved, sorry if I can't remember everyone: Budgie, Cypher, D, Frumius Mob, Glaurung, Graywacke, Kanrui, Mortur, Reddog grr, Sir Parson, Smoke, TaxiDriver, Thumper, and Xap.

More detailed information included in the ReadMe and as always ENJOY!