Valley of Despair
by GHOST® of Project Magma
- File Size:
- 53.6 MB
- Type:
- Solos/Coops
- Author:
- Group:
- Project Magma
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 2072
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- Valley of Despair - Interface
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A SoLo - CooPerative style map
designed for Myth II v1.7.2
Valley of Despair is NOT compatible
with Unit-Tagsets.
Sunday, November 19
Scales. Covenant. Tyr. Madrigal. All have fallen. The Summoner found. The nightmare Myrkridia unleashed. Hollowmen and Ghôls occupying White Falls. I had thought things could not possibly get worse. I was wrong!
* Description *
Valley of Despair is a total update of The Journey Continues, the very first map I created and released back in August of 2000. I have since, on and off over the past 5 years, laboured with single minded determination to make VoD everything and more than what I originally was able to accomplish in TJC.
Over this time, Myth II itself has undergone updates, feature additions, and the opening of new Map-Making possibilities. I have done my very best to make use of as many of the features MII 1.7.2 provides, while still retaining my overall vision for this map.
So, without further ado . . .
What is Included in this Plugin:
Valley of Despair
Desperate Measures
The Gauntlet
A Bridge Too Far
and . .
Stair of Grief (hi-res)
Valley of Despair
This is the original Bad Boy, and it is one-long-haul from start to finish. In my play testings on Legendary difficulty, I very rarely won, and when I did, never in under 3 hours. While it is possible to beat this map playing SoLo, it realistically is more of a CooP map. So, unless you're a masochist, grab some friends to help out and see if together, you can destroy the Duergarr Knot in less than 3 hours on Legendary. I think you will find it to be quite challenging.
Desperate Measures - The Gauntlet -
A Bridge Too Far
Intended more for SoLo playing, these maps are Valley of Despair divided into 3, more manageable, legs of the same journey. The ONLY differences between these maps and Valley of Despair is that at the start of each level, you will begin where the previous level had ended. You will retain your veterans and their experience, as well as renewed Health, Ammo, and Mana. You will also get back any units lost in the previous level, minus their experience and vet status of course.
Desperate Measures
Entering the Valley of Despair -
You must escort your Molatov Mortars to the bridge.
The Gauntlet
Crossing the 1st bridge -
Continue the battle and escort your Molatov Mortars to the next bridge.
A Bridge Too Far
Crossing the 2nd bridge -
Find the 3rd bridge and escort your Molatov Mortars across and Destroy the Duergarr World Knot.
Stair of Grief (hi-res)
Iron Duke's higher resolution units with Myth II's new detail textures feature, both together on The Stair of Grief, help this map become
a surprisingly fresh playing experience.
Difficulty Settings:
Ability to select your units and tell them to attack the enemy units.
Basic camera control, occasional formation use, and recognizing major combat mismatches.
Good situational awareness, camera control, use of appropriate formations, and learning the various unit matchups.
Excellent awareness, mastery of formations, camera control, and good unit micromanagement.
You've practiced the mission a lot and / or you're a Myth Master.
If you like this map, then check out the Valley of Despair - Interface. A new 1.7.2 interface for MII: Soulblighter.
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