WWII: Red River
by ozone
Red River was the sixth offical Santa Sanctioned WWII Map. It was the first sanctioned map to incorporate new WWII units, which I hope you enjoy. This was my first attempt at map making so many years ago...
There are two new units that arent normal WWII units
K-9 Scout. Based on the wolf unit, the K-9 scout has a weak attack and little health compared to a soldier, but can move quickly, and often invisibly to locate enemy units, capture flags, and even attack unprotected soldiers. For more information on the use of dogs in WWII, read the end of the readme.txt.
Rifle Grenadiers. A modification of the WWII Units, these soldiers fire rifle propelled grenades as their special attack, and are limited to 50 regular rounds. You can pick up more rifle grenades from around the map and use them. You start out with 15, and fire them using the Special Attack key (T).
For more information on the use of rifle grenades in WWII, read the end of the readme.txt.
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