Reviews of BarbarianValley Tourney
by clem of Creation
One of the all time best maps for myth 2. While the typical 3 prong strategy of other maps can also be used here. The openness of the middle of the map can cause so many problems for defenders trying to stalemate the game.
The map itself features nothing particularly noteworthy in regards to buildings, but the high ridges on the sides while not placed nxt to flags can still give a team a good place to fall back to when soulless are available.
The negatives of the map? Well typically this is played LMOTH, which clearly favours the team which starts SE with ridges next to mid. Only other minor gripe I have, is with how games on this map that aren't middle flag focused, tend to be rather chaotic and fluid favouring the aggressive player over the defensive one. Is this actually a bad thing? No it isn't but hey it affects me!
A must have map.
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