Reviews of Bungie Map Textures
by Project Magma
Real nice. Looks real good on my 22" Wide Screen.
Great textures... Now all we need are the UNITS :)
Thanks for keeping the game alive.
A solid addition. Although I dont think the textues on proving grounds fit the map well.
The result is great!
These make the maps a little less myth, and I guess that is a good thing.
The one that really stands out is Venice. It looks grainy as all get out and the "detail" looks poorly thought out.
ALso, in places where the original colormap obviously has cracks running along the stone flooring this pack places the same "detailed" cracks inside those already cracked parts of the floor. It looks like the designer just blanketed the colormap with the "detailed" cracks.
I suggest this plug should be called "Myth on Crack"
Snow maps look better. And I like what was done with hillsides.
That said I would think a lot of work went into this plug and the maker should be thanked. I am sure that many of the modern game players would love this plug. In fact magma should consider having their updater auto install the multiplayer textures into the plugins folder. Except that would increase the size greatly, which is why you would only auto the multiplayer maps, let those who want to get the solos download it.
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