Reviews of Deadfall v1
by Jon God
So i have been testing Deadfall sense almost the beginning! and i've got to say i've never played a plugin more/except WWII. i love deadfall because it's just AWESOME!
you have so many options of "how do i want to kill zombies today? lazers or rockets?" Deadfall is one of the best coop/multi games. definatly download this and come join our games!
5 stars... what can i stay... it's brilliant... 5 stars...
NICE, ive been looking forward to this since i found it on the OOH website.
Its a great plugin
I was told by some people that I was being an ass, I agree and would like to apologise.
Here's my new new review
I have to say that I am a little disappointed by Deadfall. The main reason being that I know what it was supposed to be, and this doesn't feel to me like a final release. I don't like writing huge text so I'll opt for a list of good and bads.
goods : The maps are totally awesome. Jon god seriously did a great job at enhancing the ADT maps by strangelet by adding new detail textures, special effects. I'd say of all the maps, only a few of them do not deserve their spot on the plug though. I'll talk about it in the bad section.
The units are very nice looking, I love the new graphics for them(HEHEHE) and like how you can differentiate them by the special effects around the units. I think the balance for coop is very well done, even though some units tend to be able to get more kills than some others. I guess it depends on the kind of map too.
Action is fast, games are quick and it feels overall more like an action or 1st person shooter game. I really hope to see more maps for this and possibly new units ? (hint)
Bad While the coop part is very balanced, I feel the versus and ffa mode are not. I think it's too bad that some features were taken out at the last minute. It really feels like the coop part was made with quality in mind, and the versus part was done super quickly. I still have all my versus balance fix in my myth folder that somehow were left off before the release.
Some maps are just plain bad. The one with a huge bridge sounds like fun, but the bridge looks like crap (strangelet's fault) and the gameplay involved isn't all that great. It could have been left out... Another boring map is the Water Intoxication one on Seven dead lies. We played a game where about 30 zombies stayed immobile and for some reason only a dozain zombies ever got in the pool... instead every zombies were chasing 1 lone survivor. Last bad map is the Oratorio (INFECTED). For some reason we had a working brand new gametype, but it was taken out. Perhaps because we didn't test it enough, I don't know. I'm looking forward to see it in another mappack (hint#2)
bad for some, good for others Some people keep saying they lag like hell. It's probably because of the high res units! Either get a new computer, raise the texture memory in preference or play with detail textures off. :)
What I'd like to see in a future release The missing units that were left over. The dual weilding chick and the cloaked snipers. I think versus mode could be revisited. I'm not saying to change everything, just modify to make it less of a point-n-click mayhem.
Real coops would totally own. Right now those are not real coops as everyone is still playing against each others. I know there were plans for that and I'd be willing to help.
All in all, 4 stars 5 stars if what I said is fixed.
I also think Strangelet deserves more credits :-)
A great new edition to the Myth plugin canon. The gameplay is fast, fun, amusing, and addictive. Cooperative play uses the myth engine creatively, and is successful in its own right. The maps are varied and visually pleasing. New gametypes are thoughtful and innovative, but could use some more development. Multi-team gameplay is adequately balanced. The story takes backseat to the action, of course, so that is only a minor complaint. This plugin was designed to be played at LAN parties, and many elements of its design, pacing, and general gameplay have as much in common with FPS games as with Myth.
Deadfall is impressive and laudable, and a formidable early addition to the young 1.7 plugin era.
What a great plugin, I play this all the time - great work.
I haven't seen a plugin re-invent Myth like this in a long time. Fun gameplay- awesome weapons- lagged me a little bit, though. I would really like to get together with some people and play it online.
I've been helping test this plugin since Jon God first started working on it, and its come a long way since the beginning.
This is an awesome plugin, its a lot of fun and well made. The teamwork/survival aspects work rather well although I think the score count tends to make people try to go off alone. The various map specific gametypes are fun although a few could use a bit of refinement.
As Zeph pointed out above, the versus aspect of DF is more chaotic and can be pretty one sided. Whoever shoots first usually wins.
My only beef with the plugin is that the camera doesn't always start facing north, so it takes a little bit of mucking about and can be confusing at first when you're trying to dodge zombies and stick together with the rest of the other players.
Oh, Zeph, the bridge map is my fault, I convinced him to keep it. :p
Overall though, this is a great plugin that Jon God (and many of other people) has put a lot of work into.
This is definitely a must download.
Pros: - Zombies! - Competitive/cooperative gameplay - New gametypes - Fun to play unit classes and weapons - More zombies!
- Competititve/cooperative gameplay
- Versus aspect could use a little balancing
- Zombie placement sometimes feels sporadic and not always planned out
- Camera starting location could be changed to make it less confusing when giving out cardinal directions (minor)
Kudo's for Jon God's building on the already substantial creations of Zeph and Strangelet to create this wicked fun zombie FPS style conversion! If there were fractional star ratings, I would give this 4.5 stars, but I can't so I'll have to give it 4, I am looking forward to giving the next version 5 stars!
Pros: - Gameplay: Fast-paced, very fun - Zombies!! - Gorgeous new hi-res player units - LOTS of very good looking maps! - Cool new futuristic sci-fi-ish weapons and - effects - Gametypes: Nice variety - very creative use of the multiplayer engine
This conversion is SO much fun I want to rave on and on about it, but most of the good stuff has already been said, so even though the rest of this review focuses more on the MINOR things that I found to be problems / issues, don't let that influence you away from trying out this conversion!
Deadfall is SO fun and addicting that in the 2 weeks since it was released I've been going online almost every night hoping to find someone hosting some Deadfall games (I usually only go online a couple of nights a week) - and when I don't find anyone, I play a few games of "Infection!" by myself.
So here are some MINOR issues - some of which aren't even DeadFall specific but which are really noticeable on DeadFall.
Cons: Zombie unit animation: Tippy Toe walking style kind of takes a little away from the horror feel of the conversion. It's not that noticeable with one zombie, or even a few but it becomes almost comical when there's 200 zombies all walking on their tip toes.
Unit pathfinding:
On several of the urban maps zombies can get stuck on stairs even when there are no obstacles in the way. On the one hand this is great because it's the only way I can finish some levels on legendary difficulty, but it's unrealistic and it throws player out of the game scenario into thinking about the game engine. Similarly I have played a [This is more myth-engine or building-model related than anything specific to this conversion. It's just VERY noticeable in this conversion]
Map Terrain/Passability: On at least a couple of the outdoor maps with water there are problems in the passability/depth where player units can get stuck trying to cross a river if not micromanaged. [Note: This is partly due to what appears to be inconsistent visual depth cues (different color water is normally different depths) so I am sure this issue is inherent to the original maps that JG used and is not an issue he introduced in customizing the maps for DeadFall, but it is a problem.]
Too much puss: Similar to the hordes of tip toe walking zombies, the constant shower of puss/body parts feels a little over the top. Again, the effect works ok for a single zombie or a handful, but with a crowd of 200 it's like a constant rainbow of puss following player units around.
The trick about Deadfall is knowing the map, where the Tekk will butcher the undead in the close confines of The Commroom. But The Krusher will splatter other players with his SMG.
The models are truly amazing, the futuristic craft make you wish you could have your player jump in and pilot them. The maps, man the maps, particularly the one where you are in a harbor full of ships! Fight for you life from one deck to the next.
The Story of my Death
Its dark, those things just killed your teammates and now they are moving for you. You are exhausted, not just from the unending battle, but the horror of your comrades deaths. You can't keep going, and you can hear them just down the hall.
Looking back, expecting to see them spill out around the corner. Your AR is brought on line, ready, waiting...... nothing. Nervously, you begin backing up.
You have to get to the high ground
Only there could you possibly fight.
Turn around, do it now, you have to keep moving.
Then you hear it, a gurgling, you turn you head to see your friend's headless body, then blackness...
This is great, just watch out when you play online, you will always get people who try to organize the team, then head over and try their best to get all the kills for himself. Remember its team work, but still free-for-all.
Lacks a good cooperative, the multiplayer is set as cooperative, but there is no incentive. So when you play multiplayer, to win you would need to frag everyone. This is basically forcing you to dick everyone over for traditional wins/ratios. The weapons are designed to not be able to kill other players, so get an explosive weapon and attack the ground near them. Then you get a win and good damage ratios.
Good plug in
5/5 fucked up and clicked 1 star by mistake :(
Excellent, play it all the time.
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