Reviews of Exploding Mandrake Root Film
by SCS
This was a one time event, like the description says.
What happens in the game is that somehow, most likely due to a bug, a journeyman root disappears when touching the ground after falling a bit. For some reason, this is accompanied by an small explosive effect.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is related to the extremely rare bug in Myth 2 where dwarven satchels explode when they are deployed, though I have never seen it.
From what I understand, based on information from some of the myth developers, every now and then the myth engine gets confused and crazy things result from this. Mostly it happens when there are tons of things going on at one time. Like on a MAZZ game. I Myself have seen the imfamous flaming satchle after a dwarf dropped it. It was about 1999 and I had a dwarf and in a game of myth 2 i told the dwarf to drop a satchle. Then I looked at it and though...Hmm that satchle looks like its on fire... Then BLAMMY it exploded. Over the next 13 years I have not seen this happen since. So yes it is rare indeed. I would imagine things like this happen kinda of often, But it is not noticed unless it is an exsplosion or some other obvious event. I know there was a time in a Mazz game, that a flying J man root hit Mazz and stoned him, thus making them lose the game. Not that roots have much to do with it, it could be any object that reacts oddly when the myth engine gets confused. The important thing is, for this confusion to effect gameplay is very rare indeed
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