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Reviews of Grave Tidings

by A-Red of The Onyx Warlords


Really fun map! Some great co-op action.


Excellence in plug form.


This map is very Hard on Legendary. As of this writing I don't think anyone has beaten it on normal. What does this mean? It is a serious challenge. It takes teamwork and skilled players even on the lower difficulty levels.

One thing I find funny about this level, is that it seems like A-Red wanted it to be very TFL/vanilla. Well, every unit is vanilla except the warrior captain, who just so happens to have some magical vampire spell. Don't get me wrong, I love the spell and think it really adds to the map. I just think it's funny.

Anyway, great map. And if you like coop this map should be in your plugins folder.


IMO its a Plug of The Year 2006. Hard like hell but also very addictive. You may also like to try Co-op Tourney Edition of Grave Tidings - less enemies but IMHO even more fun.


Everyone should play it at least once. Great plug :)


Very good, but 'TOO' difficult to 'enjoy' it.