Reviews of Green Berets Pack
by ozone of GB Dev Team
Ah Green Berets, one of the largest Total Conversions, and probably the one with the most production values.
A lot of talent went into this and it shows, the levels are pretty, the units are pretty, the gameplay is sound, and overall it's pretty darn solid.
Overall, there are some issues that stem from the short development time, one being the story, which isn't super memorable, but gets the job done, the other being some of the gameplay which ends up being very difficult, I am talking In the running for hardest Myth plugin on Heroic and Legendary.
However, as a coop, it's great, long levels, multiple units, multipath levels, thinking on your feet. All the things that makes Myth coop great, with a WWII style twist on gameplay.
For those that got disinherited that WWII solo or coop could be fun by playing some of the sloppy WWII coops from back in the day (circa post SH) should really give this a chance, as it is really well balanced for coop/solo (though still very difficult)
Overall, if you like WWII, if you like ozone, if you like coops, or if you like plugins with high production values, look no farther, your plugin folder would be incomplete without this.
One of the best things ever made for Myth. However, it's not Myth. I'll give you that.
The maps are great fun to navigate, and to look at. Excellent gamepplay, with some challenging attacks. The Ho Chi Minh level was quite something. Loved that one.
And, the Green Beret units are superior in every way to WWII units, but having said that, I do admit that I really enjoy WWII maps and their units, as well. This is just something different.
It's great that this Jon God fellow updated the package for use with 1.8+, not to mention all those wonderful detail textures afoot.
Five stars.
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