Reviews of Medusa of Forest
by Juliocpaes
Not too shabby Julio,
Couple of small things I noted;
-1) Make use of Oaks Optimize Tab.
Using this on your original Medusa COLL, i was able to:
a) Delete 35 unused bitmaps.
b) Merge 8 identical bitmaps.
c) Crop 18 bitmaps removing 731,984 pixels.
Whats the point you may ask ??
Well, your COLL size was 1,407,778 before optimizing and afterwards, it was 752,398. ie nearly half its original size and smaller is better for downloading, even nowadays. :o)
Also, make use of Auto Rename Bitmaps after you have made all your sequences and it will rename them to the name of the sequence they are in, making later determinations of what BMPs are in which sequences much easier.
-2) No shadows. :o(
These small, easily overlooked items make a huge difference to a units appearance in game imho. I know your sprites likely didn't come with any, but you could hack them out of a similar size/shaped Bungie unit COLL. :o)
-3) Sequence bitmap alignments|flow.
Overall pretty good, no real jerking around except mb the taunt. Maybe coulda added a few more in-between frames between the side to side thrashings ??
Your offset of a few pixels for the same frame was a decent hack for the idle sequence. Though i think you likely could use another image for the second frame for better results, just gotta choose one that's not too different than the first.
Something about the walk sequence is distracting to me, seems the light shifting or something, like maybe an image was mirrored and the light and shadow trades sides ??
All in all pretty good considering you were working with only 48 images plus a headshot and some of them were only 1 view and still you managed to created 8 fairly decent sequences and the headshot. :o)
-4) Unit Balance.
Seemed fairly well balanced, i'd have to play with her more to see just how well, but at least she isnt Uber powerful, which is a common mistake for new unit makers.
-5) Plugin Preview Image
Not unit based i know, but you just added the default Plugin Preview COLL again. If you don't change it to one you made, then there is no need to include this as it IS the default plugin preview.
-6) Medusa of Forest Testing Map
Again, not unit based, but still thought i'd mention that for what it was, it seemed pretty solid script wise. I think i even could read/translate a bit of your language cause i recognized what the script actions were doing|saying. ;op
All in all a solid effort and i see improvement from your earlier efforts. So keep at it, be patient, and don't be afraid to experiment with what if's. :o)
I myself am not a unit making Pro, i am a ScriptOr.
Take what i say here with a grain of salt and a shot of whiskey please.
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