Reviews of Myth TFL Multiplayer Mappack
by ChrisP of Project Magma
A perfect port which even goes beyond the fun of the original TFL maps.
A must have!
This is just one of those rarities - an insanely ambitious project that actually delivers on it's hype.
Playing these maps with the TFL emulation mode really adds an entirely new dimension to Myth2 gameplay. Not exactly the TFL experience, but close enough that it's been years since I've actually played TFL. This plugin gives me that TFL fix I crave. Having these maps playable with regular Myth 2 units is also a lot of fun.
This is a must-have plugin for anyone who likes ffa or team games.
A masterpiece of porting. Pure pleasure to play these maps. An absolute must for any collection.
I'm going to sound like a broken record, but this is indeed a "MUST HAVE". A 99% perfect port, it successfully brings the TFL experience to M2, with the added bonuses of additional gametypes, like "stampede!" and assassin.
Plz dont say you dont have this plug yet. Must-have plug for competitive games, same us "The Fallen Levels" for co-op gaming.
Login Name: Kingthrall Display name: drunken ~deer~ T his is a must have, albiet bread and butter required map for any Myth 2 multilayer gamer its used quite a lot.
The Journeyman Waltz is my favourite Myth 2 multi player map. It provides simple enjoyment with strategy using my favourite unit the journeyman especially on a last man on the hill finding 6 fighting and healing journeyman contesting is my kind of fun.
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