Reviews of Phantom Hounds: Haunted Heart
by A-Red of The Onyx Warlords
Great campaign.
Gauntlet and Echoes are easily the best maps to coop. Colormaps are great. Scripting is A-Red Quality. Gameplay intense. I strongly recommend playing with landscape textures enabled, makes the levels look gorgeous.
Soul of Iron being the hardest.
Only have a few negatives.
No Voices during ingame or narration. No biggie just very noticeable for long journal texts. A couple of the meshes are hard in the sense that I found myself spamming restart game in the first 30s if something went wrong. Bottles bounce a lot here.. I don't know if it's always like that but It sure feels like they bounce more often here.. The ghol rush will show you what I mean
Edit: Zerk glitch fixed. Gauntlet is da best map ever.. still not as hard as toven was but can't tell if its just mah skills or the fact Fury can't hold the south flank for his life
I recommend experiencing it for the first time on Solo.
Not being a fan of tfl units or gameplay, I don't think I am the target audience for this, but it is definitely a good plugin well worth the time to play through. The story is great, and while the ingame narrations pale in comparison to the pregame narrations, its still pretty good.
The levels are long, most over 30 mins. Thralls, myrms, souls, dumb ghols, smart wights, fetch and a few trow will keep you busy for a few of those minutes. The boss battles are terrible, 30 mins to get to the end, but then the bosses have no dialog or take any time. Other then the pus ghols and the trow who you are apparently supposed to hide from, the levels are very easy. Because its not the kind of gameplay I like, I would give this a 2/5, though get extra points for dtex, and other small details.
I did not mind the lack of voice acting, but having no music on the pregame narrations makes me lose focus on it.
The flicker on the end credits is easily the most glitchy bug in myth to date. Unwatchable
Just add the dtex into the plugin, ugh.
Naming it 1_1 is confusing.
And for the record, S has never completely fallen.
This is a nice small coop journey to take , i enjoyed it more when i was playing it solo... drifting away into the world of Myth once again just in another direction due to the very detailed story....
Nice Word dude!
Good times. Love the use of classic maps. How funny that neither of the good old "Azkruic" meshes made it into either Detail Texture plugin release, not Magma's and not Revan's. Hm. The two new maps were great as well, especially the final adventure. Solid and interesting gameplay, here, albeit it ridiculously hard at times. Note that the Gauntlet battle was far too long by half, mate. I mean, really, after a point it's just a bore. Also, those narrative texts: While well-written, they scroll maddeningly slow. A decent story, however, made less pleasant by having to wait...and wait...and wait...!
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