Reviews of Return of the Leveller
by Zak's Mapmaking Team!
Downloaded and played for about 35 minutes, til I couldn't stand it any longer. Found it redundant, poorly hacked-together, no read me, no credits to original authors that I could find, no cohesion, chaotic, ill-coordinated. Circular file. If you can't be bothered to credit original authors, your work is probably third-rate, as demonstrated here. See "Sir Mauriac" for an example of a properly executed large-scale conversion.
Zak seems to have made this simply so he can claim to have made the largest plugin and continue his campaign of meta trolling. 10/10 balls for attitude.
Myth User: Kingthrall Date reviewed: 13/08/2014
Very few plugins I would say this in writing so negative.
Do not download this garbage, nearly all maps are taken from other sources that the original content is far superior, the file is massive with lots of content which makes it even worse of a waste of storage.
I feel the need to stress that when I played this, I expected a proper campaign with a title like this instead I felt trolled when I played this.
So anyway, Do not bother with this plugin, a waste of space and I am surprised coming from the author he released this to discredit his name. I seriously cant think of anything to say that is good about this, other than the diverse choices of units used (in a bad way).
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