Reviews of TFL Gameplay Analysis
by A-Red of The Onyx Warlords
This is a great download. For a newb mapmaker like myself it really enforces the concept that it is the little things that make maps great. A-Red gives a nice write up of every level and why he thinks it is good or bad. I'd love to see a similar write up for Soulblighter.
Reading this made me want to make another map, and get the details right this time.
Very interesting read overall. Also shows why the Myth TFL campaign (in my opinion) was much better handled then the Myth 2 one (and most third party coops) and why it still has a certain "magic" after all these years since the game's launch.
Thank you A-Red, for a great reading.
A-Red's put a lot of work into this, and its a very interesting insight into the genius behind TFL's solo level design. It could be improved with the addition of a few screenshots & perhaps it should be in html format & hosted on the interweb somewhere rather than zipped up here ;)
Also, I've always thought that the TFL solos encouraged you to be imaginative in how you tackle problems, but this hasn't been highlighted a great deal in the doc. for instance, in Silvermines it is very hard to take down the fetch with your 4 arcs ... but if you get in close among the buildings you can confuse them & get easy kills with zerks or duffs. There's also the potential for the big puddle sat/dud trap you can use to destroy the big myrm army in Flight from Covenant ... and the alternate route via the waterfall in Force 10 (plus other examples). I mention this because its good for a mpamaker to encourage left-field solutions rather than the player always following the standard route through a level.
All in all, very good, an interesting read :)
Very interesting read A-Red. I cant say that I agree with all things you wrote but such is life ;) I dad good time while reading tho - 5 stars download. Waiting for M2 and M3 analysis.
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