Reviews of The Journey Continues
A pretty lackluster map, in spite of being ahead of its time in many ways. It may be randomized, but it's also highly repetitive, and incredibly long. Certain tricks and traps that were surprising but irritating the first time around are unsurprising and irritating after the third or fourth time you encounter them. Although playable all the way through, I experienced a number of random crashes throughout (fixed in newer Myth patches I'm sure). Ghost's later map, Swamp of the Damned, used a lot of the same ideas but was better in every way.
Really enjoyed this, even with its faults.
I remember when this was released, and having played it recently I'm left a bit cold. Wanted to like it, but it's nothing more than an exercise in repetition and redundancy.
If you get to the first bridge, know that the rest of the game is going to be exactly the same thing as that, but over and over again.
GHOST went on to much better things, so I guess we're all allowed one stinker. This would be his. The over-long Read Me should have been a giveaway.
An extra star for effort.
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