Reviews of The valley of the shadow.
by Juliocpaes
Very poor game design, in my opinion. Far too hard, and not fun at all. Confusing goals. This is set on the Badlands "Chimera" graveyard map---one of the classic "greats" from yesteryear---and some of the ideas are good, but overall it's just a pitiful, anemic force (yours) against an army. Perhaps making some of the player units "heroes" or something (ala Mazz) would help. OH YEAH! The super-duper-ultra-ridiculously-loud-lightning! Dude, really? Shall I have my attorney call you about the damage to my eardrums? What the hell were you thinking? Not only is it not scary, not only does it add nothing to the game, but it's actually dangerous when wearing headphones on an airplane, or whatever. Never in 15 years of Myth have I heard something like that in a plugin. Hint: Less is more.
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