Reviews of the village
by Juliocpaes
A New Mapmakers first attempt at making maps for MythII possibly ??
I hope this does not come off harsh, these are not criticisms. Consider them more like 'pointers' when releasing a map.
My rating The Village a 2 is mainly due to my personal belief that these are the types of maps you set up and test things out on to learn or refine ideas, but not something you really want to release. At the very least this plugin should have been labeled as a Beta. Had that, and some of the following issues been resolved before release, i would honestly have given it a 3.
This plug contains 2 maps, A Long Journey in the Night, and Fear of the Dark.
A good (first ??) attempt, with a pregame for the 1st level and post games for both, a couple in game dialogue strings, and even a MOMA Map Action.
The levels are difficult to decipher exactly what your objectives are as none are listed, nor any hints beyond the tutorial hints from the Tutorial Mesh these maps are set on.
Pregame image was overly large, this wouldnt really be an issue had not the pregame image been white, thus obscuring the pregame text with minimal time to read it. Also, the postgames had the same white on white issue. 1 solution, for future reference, would be to change the text color in the pregame collection. :o)
Unit Balance wasnt an issue in the first map, as it is just your units and some chickens for a few minutes. If you die, (suicide?), you lose. If you meander about, then after a few minutes you win. Of course, if you do nothing, then after a few minutes you win. ;op
The second map however, the units are way un-balanced. With 2 warriors and an archer vs The Deciever, a GMyrk, and 6+ smaller Myrks, your only real option is to race for the finish line so to speak. Of course finding that finish line, after multiple attempts at guessing, required me to crack the plugin an look at the script. :o(
All in all, there is promise here if this mapmaker continues to expand his knowledge and has the patience to make his maps more complete before releasing them.
Agree with GHOST in that it appears to be an unfinished, unpolished plug-in from a first-time mapmaker. There is no game here to speak of, and no objectives that seem either worthwhile or enjoyable.
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