Reviews of WW2 Desert Canyon v.3
by toecutter
I played this map with the creator and from what I can tell it was made with one unit in mind: the cannon.
You start with a group of soldiers and the cannon.
Undead and myrks and ducks come at you throughout the game and do offer something for the soldiers to shoot at, but I never got the feeling of having accomplished anything. Unfortunately it's too easy to follow the script. It's clear that the people that play it a few times know where hordes will be before they show up and do in fact place a soldier in the right place so he can lead the AI along for cannon fodder.
The majority of the time I played (not long, admittedly) was spent watching the vet players lead the horde zombies around so the cannon could shoot them. It was no surprise that the mapmaker was the one to request cannon right off the bat. Probably because he knows that it is the only unit that really gets to be involved.
Eventually I was killed and did not feel that the game was enjoyable enough to stay through the end.
For me to enjoy a cooperative map I have to feel some sense of actual cooperation rather than "watch someone else play". This map didn't give me that feeling. The AI hordes caused little challenge beyond being surrounded a few times. Otherwise it was just the cannon shooting from afar. I think it was a mistake to make a map that focused so much around one unit. For me I can't see this map being fun for more than maybe one or two people at once.
Despite my dislike for the map overall, I did not give this map a 1 star because I appreciate the effort and skill required in scripting. I think it could use some improvement in the scripting so it's not possible to just lead the hordes around and give the soldiers more to do other than stand around and "stay away from the cannon" as the map maker says. The scripting just needs some tweaking. Make it more entertaining for those not playing with the cannon so that every one can have a good time.
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