Barons Fight Back

by Gad

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Barons Fight Back v1.0

this will probably be the only version of this plugin, unless someone finds a bug.

After activating it the barons will be able to defend themselves by throwing moltov cocktails. They have quite an arm too, they can throw farther than a dwarven hero

Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie Software Products Corporation Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing by: Gadianton ~DaS~,

MontyPython plugin v??

this was made by Joyrok, so i have no idea if he is making another version, but i dont think he will.

After activating this plugin your warriors will have a new taunt. They will say "Your mother was a hampster and your father smelt of elderberries!" very slowly. Whenever the game sais casualty it will also go slower. This plugin may seem pointless, or maybe even stupid... but who cares anyway?

Copyright 1998 in whole or in part Bungie Software Products Corporation Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing by: Joyrok ~DaS~,

to use either of these ~DaS~ plugins: Insert the file into your plugins folder. When you are hosting a game you must go into the plugins menu and switch the plugin to the "active side"