by ARMY Munitions Factory - The ARMY of DARK… addon plugins. These are unit previews extracted from the AoM tagset… By Point-ARMY Activate one or all in tagset dialogue window to replace regular myth units. Feel free to use and improve in your personal map creations. Have fun enjoy …
23.8 MB
by PoinT of ARMY Munitions Factory - The ARMY of LIGHT… addon plugins. These are unit previews extracted from the AoM tagset… By Point-ARMY Activate one or all in tagset dialogue window to replace regular myth units. Feel free to use and improve in your personal map creations. Have fun enjoy …
44.6 MB
by ARMY Munitions Factory - An example The ARMY of DARK… addon plugins. These are unit previews extracted from the AoM tagset… By Point-ARMY Activate one or all in tagset dialogue window to replace regular myth units. Feel free to use and improve in your personal map creations. Have …
106.8 MB
by ARMY Munitions Factory - ARMY-MythedCav A piece of one of my tagsets that some map makers might enjoy using… a reworked version of William Wallets Warrior Cav, Hexographica's Knight, and bungie Peasant poacher and swineherd remastered. Enjoy PoinT-ARMY Warriors can ride horses …
7.8 MB
by Road - A quality of life plugin, this will allow Soulless, duff, dwarven morts and archers to use their melee attacks as primary attacks when opponents are close enough.
20.4 KB
by Road - A very fast paced insane massacre! you wont have time to think. all units walk 50% faster all units delay in attacks are 50% shorter works great on Multiplayer, solo and co-op maps.
50.5 KB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Brigand and Bowman(Dark) for Brigand and Bowman Thief(DTSG), thus increasing the difficulty by 1 stage. The intention was that the Tagset DTSG file (Player vs Computer) and (Player vs Player) is very heavy, and I separated those that are lighter …
20.2 KB
by Artilheiro - This tagset promotes greater complexity and strategizes Myth units Damage is reduced depending on the amount of armor, movement speed is reduced or increased depending on the weight of the armor or the weight of the unit, stygians have unchanged speed, …
256.3 MB
by Artilheiro - This tagset promotes greater complexity and strategizes Myth units Damage is reduced depending on the amount of armor, movement speed is reduced or increased depending on the weight of the armor or the weight of the unit, stygians have unchanged speed, …
276 MB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Stygian Knight for Stygian Knight(DTSG), thus increasing the difficulty by 1 stage.
19.4 KB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Stygian Knight for Stygian Guardian(DTSG), thus increasing the difficulty by 1 stage.
28.5 MB
by Road - all units walk twice as fast
9 KB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Thrall for Stone Thrall Elite, thus increasing the difficulty by 2 stage.
300.8 KB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Ghast for Ghast(DTSG), thus increasing the difficulty by 1 stage.
19.6 KB
by Artilheiro - Exchanges Maul for Maul(DTSG), thus increasing the difficulty by 2 stage.
19.5 KB