by PoinT of ARMY Munitions Factory
- Version:
- 1.7A
- File Size:
- 101.8 MB
- Type:
- Map Packs
- Author:
- PoinT
- Group:
- ARMY Munitions Factory
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 2043
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- CWR-TAGSET- Civil War Reloaded for myth 1.7
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Civil War Reloaded FIELDS of BATTLE MAP PACK
have fun enjoy.... for use with CWR CIVIL WAR TAGSET v 1.7 and myth II 1.71 and with textures on...
Map credits are all over the map so to speak... From the original b&g maps, Civil war, YHMPY, Ozones urban recon... Chris P mazz.... see in game hints for details.
try playing on simple if you have a few players and Legendary if you want a little RTS style...
A omni patch file is available which will patch Civil war reloaded map pack A beta dated 12-5-09 to the current version
Download this full current version if you dont have the older version to patch ...
Join the fight!!!!....
Improvements included... 1.71 version
-fixed the destroyed item debri from causing path finding issues. -added a new coop map and campaign for vetting... -enhanced fort mazarin coop added maps to campaign to gain vetrans before holding the fort. -added cattle for some real stampedes -a bunch of little adjustments.
-note canister shots are now not as powerful get the enemy in closer... :) fixed cannon shots are more powerful
multiplayer & coop
BG- Antetum Battleground YHMPY BG- Antetum Town YHMPY B&G Antetum N&S B&G Magma BG- Little Flat Top- CoOp - TeePens, Van Buren for putting it out there.
CWR- Little Flat Top- CoOp -Teepens CWR- Honor Taken- CoOp -Magma Teepens CWR-Deer Creek Bridge-CoOP- Creation CWR- Fields of Battle--Ozone UR script CWR- A better day 2 die- CoOp -Ozone UR script CWR- Till Death Takes Hold -CoOp -FInal stand bushido enhanced CWR- FORT MAZZARIN -CoOP -ChrisP for script
B32- A better day to die -S2 B32 Assault and Battery -S2 B32 Till Death Takes Hold -S2 B32: Field of Battle -1536 -S2 B32- Field of Battle -1792 -S2 B32- Field of Battle -2048 -S2 B32- Field of Battle -2304 -S2 B32- Field of Battle -2560 -S2
Other Map Packs .....for CWR
Civil War Reloaded Campaign maps
Civil War Campaign --
CWR-01- Fort Sumter escape -April 13 1861 CWR-02- Hapers Ferry -April 19 1861 CWR-03- BullRun -July 21 1861 CWR-03b- Deer Creek (Deer creek valley) CWR-04- Fort Donelson February 14 1862 CWR-05- Vicksburg May 22 1862 CWR-06- 2nd Manassas BullRun August 30 1862 CWR-07- Hapers Ferry Seige September 15 1862 CWR-08- Sharpsburg September 17 1862 CWR-09- Fredricksburg December 13 1862 CWR-09b Honor Taken (honor redeemed) CWR-10- Chancelorsville May 1 1863 CWR-11- Fredricksburg second may 3 1863 CWR-12- Brandy Station june 9 1863 CWR-13- Gettysburg July 1-3 1863 CWR-13b-Devils Den - (little flat top) CWR-14- Fort Sumter Siege
Myth II Coops:B32--- convert from mythical solos
Village- Graveyard- town gates- outside keep- hunting party- inside keep- destroy bridge- repair wold knot- library- escape madrigal- landing- ambushed night- mountain pass- deceiver- trow- capture murithemne- catacombs- defend muirthemne- tain shard- inside the tain- soulblighters camp- munitions dump- dam- battle 1- battle 2- soulblighter-
Myth I coops:B32 -- converted from TFL v2
Crow's Bridge A traitor's Grve The Siege of Madrigal Homecoming Flight From Covenant Force Ten from Stoneheim Bagrada Ambush at Devil's Overlook The Five Champions Out of the Barrier Silvermines Shadow of the Mountain Seven Gates Forest Heart Heart of the Stone The Smiths of Muirthemne Sons of Myrgard A long awaited Party The Road North Across the Gjol The Watcher River of Blood Pools of Iron The Last Battle The Great Devoid
Myth II favorites Converted
CWR- Requiem of the South CoOp - Requiem of the dead. CWR- Magnificent Seven - from Bushido O temples.
CWR Basics also found in Game Hints
It has been a long road in the making though here it is.... not perfect though certainly fun. CIVIL WAR RELOADED version 1.71
CWR- 2009 Version for use with myth II 1.71 or later for functions to work. For use with Base 32 maps light vs dark unit types.... on movement enhanced terrain, meaning your troops will move faster on roads and paths
CWR - CIVIL WAR RELOADED READ The unit flavors (the line under the units name) for clues on what they do and how to use them.- This tagset and maps REQUIRE MYTH II version 1.7 or newer
Civil War Reloaded began about the time Blue vs Gray was being developed, It seems we both hungered for a little more tactics. Fortunately Iron duke and magma did a great job developing a comprehensive Civil war experience, so my version was shelved, now after some time and 100's of blue vs gray battles it comes time to finish this contribution to the myth civil war experience. Hopefully these additions will add to what has become a very fun gaming experience.
-- CWR attempts to combine the best of many tagsets and myth innovations -- Blue-VS-Gray By IronDuke, -- 1861 Civil War by Cydonian --Civil War Between States by THORAN --- Civil War Epic by PHEX -- CWR by Point.
--Also thanks to great maps like ROTD and Gohst, TITANS santas head, oz for stuff, the whole myth community and of course PROJECT MAGMA for all the new features.
---CREDITS CWR- Point (R Lane), ARMY MUNITIONS FACTORY CREDITS: Thoran, Cydonian, and IronDuke Thank you for all your great contributions to the world of myth.
Blue-VS-Gray By IronDuke, w/True Peril, Grasshopper,Anaphiel, GHOST,Zeph,1861 Civil War by Cydonian, Wild West- creation,Civil War Between States by THORAN "Copyright RL BS T2 Created with Bungie's & Magma's Fear and Loathing.
Beta Testers: Daermonk-ARMY, GI JOE-ARMY, Destroyer-RT, Scentless-RT, DitWidget and more...-
--CWR quick Hints- Utilize formations, Way points and presets. - Travel on roads and trails to move units faster... - Use Inventory via I key or control bar for items. Shift i will drop items.
-Artillery wagons and supply wagons can move cannons and supplies across the map. -- Place officers and flags near your troops and artillery to boost morale and fighting ability.
-- Replacements can ride horses, pick up flags, build defenses with shovels. Artillery men can man artillery pieces.
--CWR The Game- Strengths gather as the forces of Light and Dark prepare once again to scar the lands with battle, though this time the lines between good and evil wont be as clear delineated only in shades of blue and gray.
-- You may command a diverse army utilizing the base 32 concept with up to 32 Light Troop and 32 Dark Troop variants many with special abilities and weaknesses
-- Artillery is varied to illustrate in a small way the vast amount of ordinance available during the civil war. Use via i inventory on origional gun crews
-- The units use terrain parameters that will allow units to move slightly faster on roads and significantly slow them on steep terrain or in rugged terrain.
-- It is suggested you use way points with formations to move your units along marked roads and paths. as in the civil war changing from marching formation to fighting formations quickly will prove indispensable.
-- TiP- Using way points shift click on the path of travel either on the map or overhead map (overhead map can be zoomed in and out on 1.7 )
-- Units utilize the morale features of myth... Officers, flag bearers and flags will inspire those around them to fight better and improve faster. It is suggested you place them close to your front line troops to make them more battle effective.
-- Morale (markers will show at the start of the game or upon pickup around the morale inspiring units showing range of effect and amount of boost by the rank icon).
-- Some units have inventory items enabled i key is default to switch between them. Also you can set in preferences to select on the screen or by the mouse scroll wheel (activate by the i key while the unit with inventory is selected).
-- Units that pick up items, can drop item via shift i ... Things like getting off a horse or dropping off a artillery piece.
-- Artillery can be used passively or if you are an aspiring artillery man used via inventory controls to select various shell and ammunition types. reload by picking up ammunition dropped from a cason or supply wagon.
-- Artillery Units have a fuse count and a projectile count picking up standard shells will add to the fuse count to be able to fire other inventoried shells. so if you still have a shell count though no fuse count it wont fire.. get more from wagons or casons.
-- Artillery Crews - are used to replace or man artillery pieces by selecting the weapon. leave or exit via shift i keys. they can also pick up ammunition wagon, casons and via T ground drop off new ammunition for pick up.
-- Artillery Wagons - Can move artillery batteries to the battle for use by replacement artillery crews pick up by select and drop off via shift i keys. they also can supply ammunition via T click on ground or i inventory.
-- Parrot Cannons - standard artillery piece for your army... i inventory will bring up varied ammunition options for attacks. Replacement crews can re man the gun if lost. arty wagons can pick up dropped cannons and move.
-- Fixed Artillery - Fixed position artillery can not be moved though they can be built by construction wagons and crewed by replacement artillery crews i inventory will bring up varied ammunition options for attacks.
-- Rail Cannons - are long range artillery pieces with high damage projectiles via i key inventory. they can be built by construction wagons.
-- Cohorn Mortars - Cohorn mortars can provide essential troop support and defence... i inventory will bring up varied ammunition options for attacks. they can be transported by supply wagons and crewed by replacement artillery crews.
-- Gatlin Guns - can provide excellent position defence... they can be transported by supply wagons and crewed by replacement artillery crews.
-- Gunboats - Are a deadly artillery support unit for your army.
-- Supply Wagons - Can transport ammunition, weapons and building materials to fortify a position. Utilizing the i Inventory selections. shift i or T click to supply items.
-- Construction Wagons - Can deliver artillery pieces and supplies to the battle. via the i Inventory selections.
-- Calvary Scouts - can move fast and identify enemy formations, using binoculars via inventory will increase sight range though will expire on a time line so use then deactivate. They can also be curriers and transport picked up items.
-- Cavalry Flag Bearers - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near, T special is a hard blow used to destroy large targets.
-- Cavalry Generals - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near and can rally groups via T special (uses bugles for rally).
-- Cavalry Officers - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near using binoculars via inventory will increase sight range though will expire on a time line so use then deactivate.
-- Cavalry Heavy - are a dangerous threat and weapon try to keep tabs on them if they are behind your lines. T special is a Cavalry Charge.
-- Cavalry Medium - can strike and and move fast making them ideal for hit and run tactics.
-- Cavalry Light (replacements) - light cavalry can pick up drooped cav flags and provide minor fighting abilities and potential replacement crews for dead wagons. T click after pickup.
-- Infantry Majors- will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near and can rally groups via T special (uses bugles for rally).
-- Infantry Captains - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near work well as boost for artillery pieces abilities (can supply bugles for other officers to rally troops)
-- Infantry Officers - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near. T special is multiple slash attack.
-- Flag Bearers - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight in the formation T special is a powerful stab against horses or wagons. Group Rally T Special with Buggle pickup.
-- Flag Bearers - via inventory has ability to plant a the team colors this team flag will boost morale and could be used in scripted games types. (1.7)
-- Replacement Infantry - Can become light cavalry by selecting horses, pick up dropped flags and shovels to dig trenches and build defences. shift i will drop pickups or dismount horses.
-- Sharp Shooters - Can ruin the morale of the opposing force by eliminating leaders and flag bearers T special is a slightly more accurate longer range shot pick up sharps rifles for ammo.
-- Infantry Sergent's - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight right next to them. T special is shot that can be used to set off explosives, pick up sharps rifles for ammo.
-- Infantry Skirmishers - via i inventory can charge over longer distances, charged bayonets mana based charge
-- Infantry Veterans - Seasoned soldiers always ready for a tuff fight. double click to charge or use the i Inventory Charge (a special that will tire so use sparingly).
-- Infantry - A mix of soldiers the staple of your army.
-- Volunteers - eager soldiers that should be kept tabs on for they often get their dander up and charge the enemy without orders.
-- Conscripts - A mix bag of infantry usually low quality and quick to defeat though they can be greatly boosted by officers and experience.
-- Medics - Your combat medic can heal wounds while providing a little offense now and again.
-- Doctors - Can heal single wounds or heal groups of soldiers by providing booze and food via T special with full manna.
-- Specialists - This hired gun can add a blast of fun to your army with his dynamites punch T special to toss.
-- Scavengers - Move items from supply wagons, can clean up battle fields, dig fortifications, Build a good artillery position, via i Inventory they can try to convert units to their side.
-- features.
Movement base for B32 Terrain types affect unit movement...
Grass=move x .85. Rocky=Paved Road move x 1.0. snow=move x .8. Desert=trail move x .90. Forest =move x 0.85. Marsh =move x 0.75. slopped =stairs or slope move x 0.8. Steep =move x 0.6. Ddepth media= .775 humandepth media= .5
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patches available here to new versions...
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have fun enjoy and above all die well!
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