ARMY Munitions Factory
Website: Munitions Factory Depot
- Group Bio
- ARMY order and Friends Projects and Resources Mods: WWII CWR- Civil War Reloaded for MYTH II v1.6 CPR- Charlies Point Reloaded for MYTH II v1.6 AoM- Art of Myth for MYTH II v1.6 wAvA- Warfare Axis vs Allies for MYTH II v1.6
Charlies Point Redux [beta]
Charlie's Point Reduxed, Revisited, Recessitated and Reloaded For myth 1.8.4 Welcome to the jungle! - this plug and maps utilize a reworked version of the CP CP2 and CPRedux tagsets by WodA'sini, Crestfallen and PoinT. The goal of the reworked 1.8.4 plug …
<<-o-- **MYTH II 20th Anniversary Edition**---o-->> --x-X--CWR-CIVIL WAR RELOADED 1.8.4-X--/--x--- MAPS and TAGSET patches from older versions of tagset and maps to 184 final available --->>> PATCHES CWR CWR-MAPS-184 Requires CWR-tagset-184 and myth II …
wAvA- Recon Revisited
wAvA-ReconRevisited- 2oTh Anniversary Myth edition Requires wAvA tagset and mythII full install or Demo updated to 1.8.4 version or newer. Credits, WWII:Recon by Santa’s Head #CP#Z. Craig Goodman , the rest of the Recon team… WWII: Titans It all started …
wAvA-OmahaDogRed [beta]
----X---------x----------x---------X---------x------- wAvA- OMAHA DOG RED––---x---184---X--x---- ----X---------x----------x--------X----------x------- *this map is one of the overlord campaign levels... extracted from the Overlord184 plug 506-Omaha Beach …
MYTH II 20th anniversary- Forgotten Heroes Remembered Troubled Times as a World yet again Struggles Against Darkness Fury's Forgotten Heroes.... Is now remade and remembered in Warfare Axis vs Allies. Follow Fury and his band of Heroes as they take on the …
wAvA-OZoneRedux-1.8.4 [beta]
--------MYTH II 20th anniversary--- -----x----X----/wAvA-OZoneRedux-1.8.4-x----X---- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X-----x---------x----X----/----x----X-----– Credits, WWII:units and items by Santa’s Head , MAPS By OZONE detail textures by Jon …
wAvA-WatchTheWind [beta]
--x----X--/--wAvA-WatchTheWind-1.8.4b----X----/--x--- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X----- WtW wAvA Credits; MAPS By: PoinT &TheMythCommunity ~ Carlinho, Jon God, Palidin, The Pope, Gi Joe, Sk8er for life & Bungie. Scripting: …
Warfare Axis Vs. Allies for Myth 1.84b WAVA Tagset
VERSION RELEASE FOR Myth 2oTh Anniversary .... FOR USE WITH wAvA-ForgottenHeroes coop campaign by FURY IX. also other wava maps ... enjoy have fun and know there's still some improvements to come. :) Omni patch to newer versions downloads updates READ ME …
CWR: vr3 field of battle film
Civil War Reloaded Field of Battle ... battle
CWR-Field Commander- D [beta]
<<-o-- **MYTH II 20th Anniversary Edition**---o-->> --x-X--FIELD COMMANDER DESTRUCTION-X--/--x--- FIELD COMMANDER DESTRUCTION (CONVERTED by PoinT) a map by bungie, scripting by Maik author --> Maik Converted for CWR tagset 1.8.2 or newer just a test …
wAvA-Winter Crossroads [beta]
----x----X----/----x---wAvA-WinterCrossroads-1.8.2----x----X----/----x--- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X-----x---------x----X----/----x----X-----– Credits; MAP By: PoinT - Scripting: Fury&Point wAvA units and maps by PoinT-ARMY. WWII: …
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