Mythadizzle Prime
by Beer Can
Final Version
v2.0 (III) changes many permutations to something more subtle. Less "primary colours" going on, overall. Went with a more "organic" colour scheme for the most frequently used units. Oh, and there is some R-Rated content here, so beware and be warned!
What is it?
Mythadizzle Prime modifies almost every unit in solo Myth II. Basically, they've gotten themselves new tailors and an image consultant.
Groups of Soulless, Wolves, and ghôls now look ESPECIALLY wicked.
Strangely, this plug-in becomes quickly addicting. I've tried dozens of solo games with and without it. The times I've forgotten to turn it on were times that the game didn't feel right. For instance, try "bre'Unor Attack" with Mythadizzle on and then off... Cool.
About Mythadizzle
Almost all colour schemes and/or clothing has been modified. The attempt here was to make a plug-in that could be used over and over without being intrusive.
Also, the attempt was to create colour schemes that reflect "close-to-life" scenarios, as in, the way things might actually look.
Most every collection has several permutations. Many have five. Some have two. So you're going to see something quite a bit different than previous. The game, in fact, often feels new, even on familiar maps.
How It Works
Just drop it into your plug-ins folder. You are running at least v1.4 of Soulblighter, aren't you? Then simply activate "Mythadizzle_Prime" before your game, and away you go.
How it Was Made
Insanely simple hack via Fear and a Titanium PowerBook. Thoroughly tested to get the colours right and "pleasing." Based on the ideas covered by McDonald's "Q's Solo Enhancement." However, unlike "Q's," which I've always liked, this "Mythadizzle" is more realistic and less cartooney.
I think.
None. It works with everything I've ever tested it with. It modifies no attack, no movement, no nothing... just unit colours.
The Archer, Soulless, and Fetch flavour text and names were borrowed from my previous plug-in.
Also, this plug-in is MEANT to be just the simplest, most innocuous of alterations to the Myth solo experience. So any feedback about this being a Hax that does nothing and blah-f*cking-blah... well, just save it.
"Mythadizzle Prime" is what it is, and no more.
You gotta be kidding. I could care less what you do with this. But if you use my Archer, Soulless or Fetch flavour texts and/or names somewhere, I want dinner.
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