RandomUnits [beta]

by Road

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This plugin transforms all units (except main characters) into a random unit of the same point cost.

Key Features: Random Unit Replacement: Each unit is replaced with another of the same point cost. For example, a Berserker may become an Archer, keeping the original unit's voice and terrain movement characteristics. This can be both an advantage and a challenge!

Dynamic Gameplay: Not knowing your units or the opposition adds an element of surprise and chaos. Perfect for both co-op and multiplayer fun.

Note: Keep in mind that the hero units are included so even if the changed unit looks like a regular berserker it may actually be a hero depending on what unit it replaced.

While artifacts are used to achieve this effect, they can be a bit finicky due to their unique coding. Known Issues: Units retain the original voice (unavoidable). Units keep original terrain movement (unavoidable without mesh script). Potential terrain issues, especially with very deep or impassable terrain. Units transformed cannot pick up artifacts (work in progress).

Enjoy the unpredictable and chaotic fun this plugin brings to your Myth2 experience!