Myth I Updates
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- Myth: The Fallen Lords Italian Manual
- Myth Censored Cutscenes video
- Tribute to Alric - video
- Tribute to Soulblighter - video
- Tales From MYTH TFL comic
- Myth TFL Polish Strategy Guide
- Myth TFL Polish Manual
Highest Rated →
- 5.00 - Myth: The Fallen Lords Strategy Guide
- 4.75 - TFL Gameplay Analysis
- 4.00 - Myth: The Fallen Lords Italian Manual
- 1.00 - Myth Censored Cutscenes video
- 0.00 - Tales From MYTH TFL comic
- 0.00 - Tribute to Soulblighter - video
- 0.00 - Tribute to Alric - video
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Largest Misc (1 - 10) for Myth I
Tribute to Soulblighter - video
Fan-made video :) youtube version video by Tireces bonus comic art by Guildenstern Myth II promo painting by Craig Mullins Soulblighter 3D model by Alex Bobylev
Tribute to Alric - video
Fan-made video :) youtube version video by Tireces bonus comic art and "Death of Moagim" painting by Guildenstern Alric HD model "created" in Soul Calibur IV game
Myth Censored Cutscenes video
Myth TFL & Myth II "censored cutscenes" ;-) youtube version video by Tireces "The Deceiver" painting by Guildenstern
Myth: The Fallen Lords Strategy Guide
Complete strategy guide for Myth: The Fallen Lords. Obtained from the Myth: Total Codex. Contains detailed diagrams on each level which can be more useful than the text-based guides on GameFAQs along with good general strategies and unit information. …
Myth TFL Polish Strategy Guide
Myth: The Fallen Lords Strategy Guide - IN POLISH
Tribute to The Watcher Video
Fan-made video Music composed by Grasshopper. Video montage: Tireces YouTube version
Tales From MYTH TFL comic
Myth: The Fallen Lords manual
Contains all 53 pages of the original Myth: The Fallen Lords manual in PDF format available for whatever reason you might need it. Obtained from Myth: The Total Codex.
Myth TFL Polish Manual
Myth: The Fallen Lords Manual - IN POLISH
Myth: The Fallen Lords Italian Manual
There you are...directly from a 90's box; scan's quality is good, but these are old photocopies. You know, better than nothing...enjoy!
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