by ARMY Munitions Factory
- Version:
- 1.8.4b
- File Size:
- 356.2 MB
- Type:
- Conversions
- Author:
- PoinT
- Group:
- ARMY Munitions Factory
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 393
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<<-o-- **MYTH II 20th Anniversary Edition**---o-->>
--x-X--CWR-CIVIL WAR RELOADED 1.8.4-X--/--x---
patches from older versions of tagset and maps to 184 final available --->>> PATCHES CWR
CWR-MAPS-184 Requires CWR-tagset-184 and myth II version 1.8.4 or newer. All 3rd party Maps should work with an updated version of the Myth II demo patched to 1.8.4 version of myth
NEW CWR MAPS & Units By: PoinT—‹ARMY›
Including updated units, maps, items and ideas from:
Blue Vs Gray by IronDuke -Project Magma.
Civil War Between the States by THORAN.
HMP, True Peril, TeePens, Van Buren, ChrisP, Yank, WildWest, Mazz & Bungie.
detail textures ARMY MUNITIONS FACTORY & myth community.
Civil War Reloaded began about the time Blue vs Gray was being developed. Fortunately Iron duke and magma did a great job developing a comprehensive Civil war experience, so my version was shelved, after some time and plenty of blue vs gray battles it came to life. And now here another decade later its time for another small update to the Myth Civil war Reloaded experience. 1.8 feature additions include the use of leadership morale and inventory and Enjoy and thanks to project Magma for all the additions and updates to the game engine.
<<---------o----CWR Units---x----X---o---->>
<<-------x---o CWR Maps o----------x----->>
<<---------o--Campaign Maps:---x----X----o--->>
The forces of Dark have returned you go out and kick their arse across some somewhat historically interpreted battle maps!
00 West Point Intro- Creates Heroes
01 Fort sumter April 12 1861-enter veterans -
02 Bull Run one July 21 1861
03 Fort Donelson February 11–16 1862
04 Shiloh/hornets nest April 6–7, 1862
05 Honor Taken April 16, 1862
06 A better day to fight July 1862
07 Bull Run Second Manassas August 28–30 1962
08 Harpers Ferry September 12–15 1862
09 Sharpsburg Antetum September 17 1862
10 Entrenched September 1862
11 Fredriksburg 1 December 13, 1862
12 Field of Battle January 1863
13 Chancelorsville May 1–6, 1863
14 Fredriksburg 2nd May 3 1863
15 Vicksburg May 19, 1863
16 Brandy wine station June 9th 1863
17 Deer Creek Valley June 15, 1863
18 Gettysburg day 1 July 1–3, 1863
19 Devils Den (Little Flat top) July 2, 1863
20 Gettys burg day 2 July 2, 1863
21 Gettysburg day 3 July 3, 1863
22 Devils back bone September 1, 1863
23 Wilderness (chancelorsville) May 15, 1864
24 A better Day to die June 1864
25 Till Death Takes Hold September 19, 1864
26 Fort Mazarin November 29, 1864
27 Fires of Myth December 7th, 1864
28 The final battle May 13th, 1865
29 Field of battle July 4th, 1865
<<--o--X-CWR -Mythical solos campaign---x---o->>
Basically the same as The myth II Soulblighter campaign with a few adjustments for civil war...
Veterans are more prevalent and you will have some both easy and hard fights with CWR active…(not all will work with demo)
<<---o--CWR -BG----Multiplayer Maps---x---o--->>
BG-Call to Arms-S2 A Better Day to Die -S2 -Point
BG-Swamp of Peril-S2 -True Perill A Better Day to Fight-S2 -Point
BG-Antetum Town-S2 -HMP Assault & Battery-S2 -Point
BG-Antetum--S2 -HMP Entrenched-S2 -Point
BG-Rappahanock--S2 -HMP Field of Battle 1536x1536-S2 -Point
BG-North vs South--S2 -HMP Field of Battle 1792x1792-S2 -Point
BG-N&S Antetum-S2 Iron Duke -Magma Field of Battle 2048x2048-S2 -Point
SB-Proving Grounds -Bungie Field of Battle 2560x2560-S2 -Point
SB-Sand Between Your Ears -Bungie FoB-The Duel-S2 -Point
SB-Snow Creek -Bungie FoB-Fight-S2 -Point
SB-Killing Grounds -Bungie Till Death Takes Hold-S2 -Point
CW-Deer Creek Valley--Cydonian Little Big Horn-S2 -Point
Maps: Tagset is compatible with many CoOp, B32 & WarStories Map plugins.
Settings: Use Control Bar inventory or your inventory preferences.
Look for other Civil War maps at the
<<----o----X-----x--PLAY MYTH HAVE FUN.---x----X----o----->>
<<----o----X-----x----O----x----X-----o----->> Copyright 1999 Bungie Software Products Corporation. Take2 International Created with Bungie's Fear and Loathing, Project Magma's Oak. w/ thanks to the world wide web.
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