Warfare Axis Vs. Allies for Myth 1.84b WAVA Tagset
by ARMY Munitions Factory
- Version:
- v184b
- File Size:
- 306.8 MB
- Type:
- Conversions
- Author:
- PoinT
- Group:
- ARMY Munitions Factory
- Rating:
- Downloads:
- 186
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VERSION RELEASE FOR Myth 2oTh Anniversary ....
FOR USE WITH wAvA-ForgottenHeroes coop campaign by FURY IX. also other wava maps ...
enjoy have fun and know there's still some improvements to come. :)
Omni patch to newer versions downloads updates
READ ME FILE DOWNLOAD PDF 02-11-2011 WaVa READ ME (also found in Game Hints)
-Warfare Axis Vs Allies was started back in the day of bungie net... after the Bnet servers close the project was placed in a darkened corner of my harddrive and neglected till Project magma and a few dedicated Map makers inspired its rebirth....
-So here it is 20 years later.... WARFARE World War II Axis vs. Allies.. Enjoy !!! PoinT-ARMY.
-Myth II Soulblighter reincarnates itself once again to lead a new generation into strife this time Light and Dark take the form of Axis and Allies in WWII.
-WaVa- Warfare Axis vs Allies-Tagset- for use with myth II demo or full patched to version 1.8.4 or newer for game play to work. http://projectmagma.net/downloads/
Can be played with Myth Demo version installed updated to current application version for modern computers.
-READ The unit flavors (the line under the units name) for clues on what they do and how to use them.-
-Building upon the Civil War Reloaded, Charlie's Point Redux and many other great conversions made for myth Warfare Axis vs. Allies tries to combine the best of many myth innovations and create a fun addition to the Myth II gaming experience.
-- WaVa builds upon the best of many tagsets and myth innovations -Blue-VS-Gray By IronDuke, -CWR by Point. -CPR by Wod, Crestfallen, Point -AvA Revolutions Zeph, ava - Zeph and others, -SF2- Ozone -1941 Carlinho -and of course WWII by Santa's Head aka Craig Goodman.
-- Thanks to Paladin for AHX and many warfare graphics in 2001- Carlinho for setting a new standard with the Greek tagset- -Hawk, Killingseed from ARMY for all the early work so many years ago…Alpha for getting me into map making, Santa for giving us Recon... Basically Thanks to all.
--A big thanks to map makers and myth creators...Ozone,Pyro,Carlinho,Graydon and the rest of Udogs for stuff and patience, the whole myth community...and of course PROJECT MAGMA for all the new game features... Melekor and Myrd especially.
---CREDITS WaVa- Point (R Lane), ARMY MUNITIONS FACTORY- Carlinho 1944, Fury IX scripting and IX forgotten heroes, etc... Creds go out to the whole myth community :).
--Beta Testers: 2001 Hawk-Army, 2011 DitWidget-ARMY, Big Brother-ARMY, Fury IX, TheRock, Martin , Tim-ARMY, Yankee-ARMY, Kronin, Toe Cutter, Capital… and more...-
--::Warfare The Game:: Strengths gather as the forces of Light prepare to cleanse the land of the Dark forces that have once again ravaged and conquered the territories of myth.
-- You may command diverse armies of Light and Dark Troops, many with special abilities and weaknesses... Enjoy!!
-- The units use terrain parameters that will allow units to move slightly faster on roads and significantly slow them on steep terrain or in rugged terrain.
--TiP- It is suggested you use way points with formations to move your units along marked roads and paths.
--TiP- Using way points shift click on the path of travel either on the map or overhead map (overhead map can be zoomed in and out on 1.7 )
--TiP- Set and use myths control presets to select unit groups especially artillery and aircraft.
--Tip- Set your myth preferences to have cap locks key show units and activate control bar inventory (i) mouse wheel scroll presets.
-- Units utilize the new morale features of myth... Officers, tanks and flags will inspire those around them to fight better and improve faster. It is suggested you place them close to your front line troops to make them more battle effective.
-- Morale or rank markers will show at the start of the game for morale inspiring units showing range of effect and amount of boost by the rank icon).
-- Some units have inventory items enabled i key is default to switch between them. Set in preferences to select on screen or by the mouse scroll wheel (activate by the i key while the unit with inventory is selected).
-TIP use CONTROL BAR INVENTORY (set in myth preferences) activate with i key.
-- Units that pick up items, can drop item via shift i ... Things like getting out of vehicle or dropping off a artillery piece or weapon.
--::WaVa quick Hints::- Utilize formations, Way points and presets. - Travel on roads and trails to move units faster... - Use Inventory via i key, scroll wheel, or control bar for items. Shift i will drop items.
--TiP- Several support units such as artillery will reload much faster and have more accurate fire with experience or morale boosts, Place officers, supply units and gun crew near to improve.--
--Fuel barrels - Provide movement ability for your Armored vehicles in RTS style games tanks have limited range so keep those supply lines open.
-- Rail and Bunker Artillery - are long range artillery pieces with high damage projectiles via i key inventory. they can be built by construction units.
-- Mortars - mortars can provide essential troop support and defense…T= smoke shell which will confuse enemy.
-- Anti Aircraft Guns and tanks- can provide excellent position defense…
-- Gunboats/Ships - Are a deadly heavy support unit for your army. LCV landing Crafts and Rafts deliver troops to the battle field... Higgens boats Land troops on the beaches and Rafts Deliver troops across the shores of rivers.
-- Mechanized Scouts - Can move fast and identify enemy positions. They can also be Curriers and transport picked up items and units.
--Tanks -some tanks will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near, though if they are killed they will demoralize the troops and boost the morale of the enemy fighters.
-- Opened tanks - Unbuttoned or open tanks using binoculars via inventory will increase sight range and accuracy of firepower though they also increase the vulnerability of the crew to damage.
-- Tank Destroyers- are a dangerous threat to your armored vehicles though are vulnerable to light weapons fire The default attack is an AT shell T special is the Machine gun,. they can also provide limited supplies for your troops.
-- Heavy Tanks- are a dangerous threat and weapon T special is the main gun fire, while default attacks are Machine gun and run over. they can also provide supplies for your troops.
-- Medium Tanks - are the bread and butter of your artillery force for both attack and defense. T special is the main gun fire, while default attacks are Machine gun and run over.
-- Light Tanks- can strike and and move fast making them ideal for hit and run tactics. T special is the main gun fire, while default attacks are Machine gun and run over. they can also provide limited supplies for your troops.
-- Infantry Commanders- will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near and can call in Bomber Air strikes, Paratroop drops, and River crossing assaults.
-- Command Vehicles, Brigadier Generals and Feldmarschalls Can create new units and structures.
-- Infantry Officers - will boost morale and fighting abilities of troops that fight near, use to boost the artillery crews skills.
-- Mechanics - Can repair damaged vehicles and artillery.
-- Snipers - Can ruin the morale of the opposing force by eliminating leaders and support units T special is a slightly more accurate longer range shot. They can use a knife as an inclose attack.
-- Infantry Charge/Bayonets - via i inventory can charge over longer distances, fix bayonets via inventory.
-- Infantry - A mix of soldiers. the staple of your army.
-- Medics - Your combat medic can heal wounds while providing a little offense now and again.
-- Doctors - Can heal single wounds or heal groups of soldiers via T special with full manna. via inventory revive wounded.
-- MP's and Brown shirts-- Military police and political officers can provide some melee action, can build morale, capture enemy units and build fortifications.
-- Radio operators-- Can call in air strikes, air support, artillery strikes, and supplies.
-- Flame throwers - are great for heating up the battlefield, though be careful they can easily become torches themselves.
--Bazookas - your best infantry defense against tanks and fixed positions.
-----typical --- Inventory modes ----- and pickup features and uses ----
-- Infantry modes 0--(None) default standard mode= 1--Combat mode= a faster more aggressive soldier-- will use automatic fire. 2--Cover mode= low to the ground moves by crawling. 3--Guard mode= more aware patrolling marching soldier. sustained single shot fire. 4--Charge Mode=- fix bayonets and charge -the soldier will fire all it's ammunition and charge-- 5--Reload- T special will reload a fresh clip or magazine into the gun. 6--Propelled Grenade-- Uses standard grenades attached to launcher,aim directly at target. 7--Rifle Propelled Grenade-- Uses RPG's target a point on ground ~approximately 60% to target. 8--Knife-- For a little inclose and personal dispatching of an enemy. 9--Dig-- to dig a foxhole click on the ground. ?--Pickups - Grenades, RPG's, Satchel Charge, Ammunition, Shovel, Pistol, Medkit, Bangalore torpedo. --Deploy mode= Deploys the weapon to a set position .. more accurate fire. (no unit movement). --Assault mode= -the soldier will fire its ammo and rush the enemy --Hold mode= your soldier will hold it's ground and fire.-- --Sniper mode= a slower more accurate fire as the unit takes more careful aim. --Throw Knife-- T special Throws the knife. (note you only have 1) --Satchel Charge-- T special will throw a fused satchel charge towards target-- --Pistol- uses hand gun. --Medkit- T special will partially heal the unit. --Bangalore Torpedo-- T special will toss this demolition charge into position. --Bazooka-- anti tank weapon --Panzerfaust -anti tank weapon
-- Officer- General / modes 0 -Officer Lead- add morale Airstrike 1 -Binoculars -increases unit site range (slows movement) 2 -Artillery Barrage -plans artillery strike 3 -Bombing Raid -plans heavy bomber strike 4 -Recon plane -sends out reconnaissance plane 5 -Airborne Assault - plans paratrooper drop 6 -Glider Assault -Plans glider landing 7 -River Assault -- pick up boats to create 8 -Beach Assault -Pick up LCV's and LCM's to create
-- Radio operators modes 0 -Guard 1 -Cover 2 -Combat 3 -Mortor barrage 4 -Supply drop 5 -airstrike bomb 6 -airstrike strafe
-- MP / Brownshirt-- modes 1 -Construct Minefield 2 -sandbags Build 3 -Barbwire Build 4 -hedgehog Build 5 -guards -create 6 -pick up surrendered soldiers to create soldiers
-- Doctor / 0 -heal group 1 -revive wounded -pick up wounded soldiers to use
------------- Warfare The light vs dark units selection and descriptions... --------------
-------@Light Base Units ---General infantry, Airborne Infantry, Officers, Armor, Support. ----------
00- RTS supply truck -creates and builds units
01-@-Conscript Infantry -Gi-garand -rifle hit T=Grenade -Dig foxhole with shovel via inventory-
02-@-Light Infantry -Gi-garand -bayonet T=Grenade via inventory: bayonet -launch grenade /RPG -
03-@-Medium Infantry -Airborne-carbine -Pistol T=Grenade - knife -rpg --M1 Carbine, Colt 1911 Pistol, Combat Knife, Fragmentation Grenades - Satchel charge-- --Medium Infantry Platoon leader add morale to those that fight near. Use to provide leadership for front line units.--
04-@-Heavy Infantry -Gi-Thompson -Pistol T=Grenade Satchel charge
05-@- Assault Infantry -Gi-Browning Automatic Rifle -T=Grenade, i=Molotov,satchel charges
06-@- Recon / -Airborne-Grease gun - grenades -satchel charges
07-@-Sniper Infantry- Springfield m1903a4 rifle, combat knife T=longer ranged shot.
08--@-General Infantry- -Gi -Thompson /Universal pickups---/driver operates vehicles
09--@-MP- club (Boosts morale), via inventory can build fortifications, confuse enemy units. --- construct Sandbags, Barbwire, Mine fields, fuel depots, Confuse enemy, pick up prisoners--
10--@-Gi-Flamethrower -M2-2 flamethrower, T=flame grenade
11--@-Airborne- .30 Caliber Machine Gun, T=reload , Deploy via inventory
12--@-Gi- Browning M2 .50 caliber Machine Gun, T= reloads - Deploy, move, via inventory
13--@-Airborne- Bazooka AT shell T=aimed shot (uses ammo)
14--@-Gi-mortor 60mm Mortar AP shells T= smoke
15--@-Airborne- Radio man- M1A1 Carbine-- calls in -air strikes, artillery strikes, supply drops via inventory.
16--@-Officer-pistol- (Boosts morale) via inventory =-airborne drops -bomber strikes -raft assaults- create units-
17--@-Artillery-howitzer - Anti Personal, Anti Tank and smoke rounds --The M1A1 Infantry Gun is a support unit. Its 75mm light infantry howitzer fires high-explosive, smoke and HEAT rounds.-- --Position this infantry gun with long fields of fire so it can support your infantry units.--
18--@-Halftrack MG-Mortor- .30cal mg, T=81mm mortor, Can transport artillery provide supplies transport troops
19--@-motorcycle fast moving scout vehicle BAR rifle.
20--@-Jeep fast moving vehicle -low fire power though can supply your troops and fix tanks via inventory.
21--@Light Tank- M5 Stuart 37mm Main gun, MG- 3x30 cal.
22--@Medium Tank- M4a1 sherman (Boosts morale) 75mm Main gun, 2x30 cal 1x50 cal machine guns .
23--@Heavy Tank -M4a4 firefly (Boosts morale) 76mm main gun, 2x30 cal, 1x50 cal, Supply drops via inventory.
24--@Tank Destroyer -M10 wolverine 3 inch M7 main gun, 50cal Machine gun , Supply drops via inventory.
25--@Medic-MED -Gi-carbine, heals with medkits.
26--@SupplyUnit-SUP -Gi with stuff- T= supply grenades i=supplies your army with ammunition and weapons.
27--@SecurityUnit-SEC -M4aag- antiaircraft - looks to the sky to defend your positions.
28--GunCrew-Gun @@-Crew
29--@Doctor-DOC -Gi-heal/ Heals Group as special. -- Doctors can heal individuals and groups. and can pick up the wounded and toss them back in the fight--
30--@Civilian-CIV --Resistance sabatour -blows stuff up. recruits other resistance fighters. -- StenMkII Machinge gun- pistols- T=demolition charge- molotov -Resistance fighters can recruit civilians to your side via inventory. --
31--@special-spc -mechanic- Fixes (heals) vehicles. -- this gear head ain't no grease monkey, but he can fix anything thats taken a lick'n and needs to get tick'n --
32--@extra-ext-boat -LCVP higgins boat delivers troops to shore. --two .50cal. m2 Machine guns provide some support for landing troops- T will drop the ramp --
33-civilian- can be converted to your side as a spy.
@ Light Extra Units
00 Commander -creates and builds units (depot's Hanger's Barracks)
01 resistance spy -hidden on overhead map (created by resistance)
02 Plane Glider (ordered by general)
03 Plane Bomber b25 -drops bombs on target area (ordered by general)
04 Plane mustang - drops bomb (called in by radio man)
05 Plane spitfire -strafes ground (called in by radio man)
06 Plane c47 -drops supplies and paratroopers (called in by radio man)
07 Plane scout recon pipper cub - map arial reconnaissance
08 Plane Bomber Heavy B17 -drops bombs on target area (ordered by general)
09 GPA amphibious car (ordered into battle by general)
10 boat raft -transports a group of soldiers across water (ordered by general)
11 DUKW amphibious truck -with supplies- (built by commander)
12 boat LCM tanks and troops (built by commander)
13 boat destroyer ship (built by commander)
14 howitzer (built by commander)
15 Sherman sstm rocket launcher (built by commander)
16 Sherman Jumbo (built by depot)
17 M7b1 priest 105mm howizter self propelled (built by depot)
18 Truck (built by depot)
19 bren gun carrier (built by depot)
20 M4a1dd Sherman dd amphibious tank
21 boat LST landing ship tank 328'x50' 1 lct 18 tanks 160 troops
22 boat LCT mk6 landing craft tank 116x32' 4 tanks (900 at dday)
---------+Dark Base Units ------General infantry (Wehrmacht), Airborne Infantry (Fallschirmjäger), Officers, Armor, Support.----------------------
00- RTS commanders -creates and builds units
01--+Landesschutzen +Wehrmacht Karibiner 98k Rifle, Luger Pistol, Field Spade, Stick Grenades
02--+Grenadiere -lightInfantry-PFC-Obsershyt -mauser T=stick grenade i via inventory -fix bayonet -launch grenade /RPGw/ panzerfaust.
03--+MediumInfantry-Zugfuhrergruppe-CPL-Obergefreiter =-+ Fallschirmjager -Gehwer 43 Karabiner Rifle, Luger Pistol, Field Spade, Stick Grenades--
--mp40 Sub-machine gun, Colt Luger Pistol, Combat Knife, Stick Grenades, Satchel charge--
--Stg44 Assualt Rifle, Luger Pistol, Field Spade, T= Stick Grenade -i=gerbilite
--Fallschirmjagergewehr 42, Luger Pistol, Field Spade, T=Stick Grenade--
--FJ Stosstrupp units are heavily armed infantry armed with an FG42 automatic rifle, and Panzerfausts. --
07--+Specialist-SPG-oberfeldwebel -sniper gewehre43 - Knife --The Scharfschutze is a specialist soldier trained as a sniper armed with a scoped Gewehr 43 precision semiautomatic rifle.--
08--+WarantOfficer-MW5-stabsfeldwebel universal soldier - driver
09--+2ndLieutenant-2LT-leutnant Sturmabteilung -brown shirt -Create guards- --(Boosts morale), via inventory can build fortifications, confuse enemy units-- --- Builder constructs Sandbags, Barbwire, Mine fields, fuel depots, Confuse enemy--
10--+1stLieutenant-1LT-oberleutnant -Flammenwerfer --Flammenwerfer engineer units armed with a FmW 41 flamethrower--
11--+Captain-CPT-hauptmann Fallschirmjager --Machinengewehr 34, inventory deploy gun.
12--+Major-MAJ -major -SMG42 -- mounted on a complex tripod construction the SMG42 support unit is less mobile but even deadlier due to improved aim and accuracy.--
13--+LieutenantColonel-LTC -oberstleutnant -Panzershriek --Panzerschreck anti-tank unit w/ 8.8cm Panzerschreck-- --The Panzerschreck is a recoilless rocket launcher that fires a shaped charge warhead to combat enemy armor--
14--+Colonel-COL Oberst -mortor --The Granatwerfer light mortar is a support unit is armed with a light mortar, --
15--+General-GEN Generaloberst -Fallschirmjager Funker Radio man - airstrikes, artillery strikes, supply drops via inventory --Radio, Karabiner 43 Semi-Automatic Rifle,--
16--+Commander-GOD u9 -lugar -airborne drops -bombers -reserves- builds bunkers create units- + --(Boosts morale) via inventory =-airborne drops -bomber strikes -raft assaults-
17--+Artillery-ART -arty -- 7.5cm-PaK 40 anti-tank gun, a very potent weapon that can successfully engage all but the heaviest enemy tanks.--
18--+SupportMechanized-MSU -SDKF --SdKfz 250/7 8cm-Granatwerfer is an open-topped halftrack with sloped armor ranging from 8mm to 15mm.
19--+ScoutMechanized-MSC -Bmw with sidecar -mg42
20--+AssualtMechanized-MAS -kubelwagon Command vehicle adds morale and can build units
21--+LightMechanized-MLT light tank - pz.III ausf.f 37mm 2x 7.92 mg
22--+MediumMechanized-TMT Medium Tank -V Panther PZVpanther ausfg 75mm gun 2xmg 7.92
23--+HeavyMechanized-THT -VI Tiger pz VI tigerI ausf e 88mm gun 2xmg34 7.92
24--+DestroyerMechanized-TDT -Marder II --The Marder reloads fast and packs a heavy punch, though is very vulnerable to small arms and fire.--
25--+Medic-MED -GEW43 rifle, heals
26--+SupplyUnit-SUP -soldat with stuff
27--+SecurityUnit-SEC -Pak AA Flakpanzer coelian 2x37mm guns flak43
28--+GunCrew-Gun ++-Crew
29--+Doctor-DOC -Nurse-Heals T=heal group
30--+Civilian-CIV Liesal nazi party babe - Recruits other Partisans - Confuses enemy- set traps -Pistol lugar
31--+special-spc -mechanic --To Fix Vehicle get close hit T then select damaged unit.
32--+extra-ext-boat -Boat it floats delivers troops.
20mm canon- torpedos deliver troops via rafts
+Dark Extra Units
00 Commander -creates and builds units
01 spy -hidden on overhead map (created by Nazi party chic)
02 Plane Glider (ordered by general)
03 Plane Bomber light focke wulf 189 "eule" (ordered to attack by general)
04 Plane stuka (called in by radio man)
05 Plane meshcershimdt (called in by radio man)
06 Plane junker transport (called in by radio man)

08 Plane Bomber Heavy Henkel -drops bombs on target area (ordered by general)
09 +schwimmwagon amphibious car (built by commander)
10 boat raft (ordered to attack by general)
11 +artillery 101 mm Bunker (built by commander)
12 boat Barge -transport troops vehicles (built by commander)
13 +artillery flak 88 heavy anti-tank gun (built by commander)
14 +artillery 88 heavy anti-tank gun (built by commander)
15 +nebblewaffer rocket launcher (built by commander)
16 +King Tiger Pzkpfw VI B sdkf182 henschel 8.8 cm (built by depot) or upgraded by mechanic
17 +Jagdpanther jagdpanther tank-destroyer 8.8cm pak 1xmg 34 (built by depot)
18 +Sdkf truck mover -creates supplies (built by depot)
19 +Sdkf rabbit (built by depot)
20 +v1 rocket
21 +v2 rocket
22 +nat jet
23 finn22 24 lt 38 tank 25 e25 flame tank 26 tigger sse 27 t4 28 mg42 bunker
----MAPS------ for use with wAvA tagset.
wAvA -IX Forgotten Heroes CoOp Campaign (over 20 levels) Operation Overlord Campaign (over 30 levels) wAvA- Multiplayer maps wAvA- Recon Revisited wAvA-Myth II campaign (converted)
---patches available here to new versions... http://hl.udogs.net/.../Points/betas/---
---Forum Discussions http://tain.totalcodex.net/forum/
---Get games going... http://www.mariusnet.com/
---Unit information http://hl.udogs.net/files/Uploads/%20User%20Uploads/Points/_AvA-Warfare/%20WAVAweb/ReadMeImages/
-- Thanks again to all that contributed 3d models, textures, sounds, images, and time over the years. A detailed list of contributors can be found in the file maker pro database for warfare--
--made with FEAR, LOATHING, OAK, blood, sweat, and the occasional tear.
--Copyright ... ARMYmunitions Factory 2001-2011, Bungie, Project Magma, Take2 .
this ain't your Papa's Myth…. play the new WWII and live free die well.
© 2005 - 2025 the tain