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Largest FFA Netmaps (76 - 90) for Myth II
Stink of Death
Stink of Death is a fast paced multiplayer FFA map. It has a lot of new attacks that work with dwarven mortars which add a lot of fun into the game. The terrain lets people come up with strategies and different kinds of tactics in order to beat their …
Leagues From Nowhere
Leagues from Nowhere takes Myth II gameplay to new heights. First, ghols are the most numerous infantry units. En masse their cleavers are a force to be reckoned with, and, if you look closely, you may find some rather explosive things for them to pick up …
Strange Shallows
This map was designed to show some persons that bryce is a wikkid colourmap creator. the cmap was NOT edited in photoshop in any way, and even the terrain maps were done using selective rendering. It's mah firzt net map to be released (the others are all …
Till the River Runs Dry
This map was created to demonstrate that blackholes do not lead to pocket universes. It is in the same flavor and style as Gimble in the Wabe and should be played accordingly. Any failure to do so will result in immediate legal action and possible fines.
Rack and Ruin
After being submerged for nearly a century, this hallowed arena has risen from the sea. What was once mighty has been beaten and rounded by the churning waves. Will fresh carnage bring new life to this place? Had a lot of fun making this- the process …
Hills Trodden Black
Hills Trodden Black, and its dark version Paths Trodden Black, are 4-team ffa's set in a swampy, marsh-like area. The map has a mud-filled, meandering river flowing around its center and many grassy hills which are ideal for use as fortresses from which …
Garden of Segesta
Garden of Segesta is a map taking place along a fast flowing mountain stream. Hills, trees, and the occasional waterfall can make or break the path to your conquest of the garden. Segesta has 3 unit variations: Light, Dark, and JMK. It features new …
Cross on the Borderlands
The map is simular to the Myth TFL map Creep on the Borderlands, except it is divided into four sections instead of two, the sections are grass, snow, desert and mud/rock. There are 5 starting locations. The units are Warriors, Thrall, Soulless, Ghôls, …
Sticks and Stones 1.1
Note: This plugin requires Jinn. Sticks and Stones is a fourth party map which utilizes the Jinn Conversion by the Vista Map Making Cartel. It is a 5-start FFA. The map is mostly covered by bright, rolling, green hills and rocky roadways. Jagged rocks and …
Temple Of Doom
This is a Multi-Player map. It has the same units as in Bad Lands except I changed the ghols for spiders. Ghols are more fun since they can throw things. It has 4 starting positions and offers the following game types: Body Count, Steal The Bacon, Last …
middlerock (ffa)
middlerock is a six start FFA map with dark units , inspiration for the map came from SideWinder (halo) and proving ground (mythII) Enjoy ..
Let Wyrd Sort 'Em Out
"Kill 'em all...and let Wyrd sort 'em out!" NOTICE: *This Plugin has updated! This was built from a recovered local folder (the original was lost after the Mill shut down) and i updated some invisible units that were missing. Tell your friends to get rid …
Jungles of the Ermine
Welcome to the Jungles of the Ermine! "A fresh breeze blows onto your face as you make your way out of the green trees of the jungle to ariver crossing the ermine. You hear something in the bushes further behind you, the rain slowlystarts pouring from the …
Grim Dawning
Grim Dawning is a 4-start FFA located in a dry grassland environment. The landscape is covered with sloping hills and sinking channels of scorched soil and grass. There are two meshes of light and dark unit selections. GAME TYPES: Body Count LMOTH KOTH …
This 5-team FFA map has been released for public consumption. Featuring an incredibly natural looking texture and a distinctive mountainous flavor, this developing map will certainly be another fine addition to any map collection. Three mesh versions are …
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