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- 5.00 - Apathy w/ Source (Mac Classic)
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- 5.00 - Film Parser
- 5.00 - GeomView 0.03b (PowerPC)
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Latest Tools (1 - 15) for Myth II
GeomExp (reupload)
Reupload of missing tain item #560: GeomExp by Stratman. Found on old HDD. Tain Admin please merge this with the original item. --Melekor original description: This tool allows people to export geometries from Myth in the AutoCad (DXF) file format on the …
GeomView 0.03b (PowerPC)
GeomView deconstructs a geom file (either TFL or SB) to let you see all sorts of nifty information. In addition, you can view the 3d models in a separate window. You must have the geom file extracted from a tags or plugin file before GeomView can read it. …
Film Parser
FilmParser This is a program for parsing .m2rec recording files for the game Myth II Soulblighter. The file was reverse engineered using the game client and and a hex editor, and as such there are still portions of the file format that are a mystery or …
Chaos (OSX)
Chaos is a mapmakers diagnostics tool. You throw it in your Myth folder just like Fear and Loathing, and it will give you tons of information about your local folder. NEW Nothing. I just recompiled it so it works on macOS Sierra With Chaos you can find: - …
Viklund & Viking
& Nothing new. This is Fear & Loathing 1.8 by Bungie, only translated into Russian. I have long started this translation, and since much of the of tools have been translated, I did not want my work was lost. Now tools translated. Well, that's it! …
Apathy w/ Source (Mac Classic)
Note: Source included with approval of Eli. Apathy was released for the Mac by Eli Curtz of Vista, some time post-Jinn release. It is a tool used to import .3dmf model files, scale them, and do many of the same functions as Vegas does, like edit …
Film Difficulty Level (Mac Classic)
Will display the difficulty level a myth film was played on. Based on the FilmFixerUpperer (FixMythFilm v1.1) which is © Simon J Brownlee.
Antero (Mac Classic)
Antero is a tool for scripters. It analyses the contents of exported Map Action files and reports anything that it considers to be problematic or illogical. I've provided this utility in the hope that it will be helpful. This version fixes quite a few …
Mesh Converter (Mac and Windows w/ Source Code)
The purpose of this tool is to convert a mesh file from Myth: The Fallen Lords to Myth II: Soulblighter. Included are Mac and Windows binaries. The Mac binaries are intended to be run on Classic OS9. This is released as-is with permission from iron. This …
Chaos (PC)
Chaos is a mapmakers diagnostics tool. You throw it in your Myth folder just like Fear and Loathing, and it will give you tons of information about your local folder. FIX Some meshes that didn't export now will. FIX Should no longer crash on startup if …
PluginViewer (Windows)
PluginViewer is an OpenGL toy that lets you fly around a 3D landscape in real-time. It reads the map files from Myth II: Soulblighter.
DeadTags (Mac Classic)
When creating plugins over large periods of time, a great many tags are created and, as new versions are piped out, many tags will be left in the local folder when they are no longer used. Though myth does not load this data, it will compile it into a …
Malice 2.0 (Mac OS X) [beta]
Malice is a tool to convert Model and Geometry files from Myth:TFL format to Myth:SB format. Some of the features allow you to: View all sorts of useful/useless info from geometry & model files View the geometry in a 3D window Edit many aspects of …
PluginLister (Mac OS X)
AppleScript that lists plugins in a compressed archive (ZIP, SIT, etc) that is dropped onto it.
Myth Chat allows you to conveniently connect to MariusNET or a similar server without the need to load the game. Thus, if you wish to logon to chat with friends on a myth server, Myth Chat provides a simple and easy means of doing so. Myth Chat is a …
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