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- 5.00 - Fallen Levels v.2 films
- 5.00 - city walls of 17-Redemption
- 5.00 - FetchBall (2 - 3) blue command win!
- 5.00 - Mazz Win Timid Solo No Casualties
- 5.00 - TWS '08 Films
- 5.00 - CWR: vr3 field of battle film
- 5.00 - MWC Finals Pack
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- 2027 - Fallen Levels v.2 films
- 1467 - killerking's solo replay's
- 1450 - ducky/bone filmpack
- 1432 - TWS '08 Films
- 1376 - The Myth2's most disgracefull moment.
- 1353 - Mazz 6 SL Leg 4man win
- 1306 - Myth II official single level films(Legendary/No Casualties)
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Latest Films (16 - 30) for Myth II
CWR- FOB maps A - Fort Mazz victory
Civil War fort Mazz... This one time test map has proved to provide some rather fun and epic battles... in the last year its been beaten on simple and timid a couple times ...Here is another well played win... legendary and heroic are still untouched. …
ducky/bone filmpack
This is my collection of films, some dating back to '97. Mostly wins, a few celebrity games, a few weird bug games, and a couple really nice ones. I started to sort them but gave that up long ago. you need 1.4 to view some of them (i think one of my …
killerking's solo replay's
This is a part of my solo replay's. It shows a good strategy for all of the 26 levels of the normal myth II campaign as well as most chimera and a few others. Some replays are just for fun though. Offcourse I win on legendary, without taking casualties …
Urban Recon Carnage Film 1
Urban Recon Carnage Film from December 2001. You will need WWII Urban Recon and WWII Units V 1 for this to play. This is what "real" 15-16 peep Carny looked like BITD.
Urban Recon Carnage Film 2
Urban Recon Carnage Film from December 2000. You will need WWII Urban Recon and WWII Units V 1 for this to play. This is what "real" 15-16 peep Carny looked like BITD.
Mazz 6 SL Leg 4man win
Mazzarin's Demise VI SL Legendary win using only Mazz, Paladin, FG, and Mort. Bone - Mort Dac - Paladin Cyclops - FG HMP - Mazz
Manly trow
manly trow strat
Massive Battles and Explosions
FILMS Steal Axe and WestdoX fooling around with coma plugin , plus weirdobodoms. (may be required for replay?) 500duffs: In this film, we layed out some 300 satchel charges, then blew stuff up on proving grounds (about 1:30min wait on 16x) -coma plugin …
The Myth2's most disgracefull moment.
Just see and wonder. HOCUS POCUS >>>>>>>>
MWC03 Finals Films
Myth World Cup 2003 finals, bia vs NP. Missing game 1. Requires v1.4.
TWS '09 Films
All the films from TWS2 except three missing games.
Bungie.net Films 99-2000
Films from bungie.nets heyday, these date from 1999-2000 and may include MWC matches, lots of ranked and unranked bungie.net play and more than a few scrimmages. Enjoy!
Dream on
This film is great
Myth II official single level films(Legendary/No Casualties)
For beginners, LOL. Difficulty: Legendary No Casualties in ALL Levels. And played in 1.6 patch(Windows). (Without secret level - 'A long awaited drinking party'. I really don't like that - difficult but boring.) I'm not good at this game, but maybe my …
Fallen Levels v.2 films
A while back I decided to do every level on legendary with zero casualties. I decided to start at the beginning with TFL but, for lack of an available game disk at the time, decided to use the fallen levels instead. So here at the Fallen Levels for your …
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