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- Smackerw32.dll for Windows
- Magma - Detail Collections (Public beta 1)
- Myth Stylish Desktop Icons
- Bagrada.net Metaserver Plugin
- QuickTime for Windows
- Modern Camera and Formations add-on
- GURPS Myth: Roleplaying in the World of the Fallen Lords
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- 21737 - Detail Texture Megapack
- 15345 - Myth II: Soulblighter manual
- 13033 - Myth II QuickTime Cutscenes
- 11440 - Bungie Map Textures
- 8558 - Myth TFL Quicktime Cutscenes
- 4954 - Myth II: Soulblighter Strategy Guide
- 4248 - Myth The Total Codex Manual
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Highest Rated Misc (1 - 15) for Myth II
Detail Texture Megapack
So, the moment many of you have been waiting a long time for. That same many of you have been poking me, PMing me, prodding me, badgering me, and begging me to give them a copy of this plugin. The wait is over. I hereby announce: The Detail Texture …
Magma - Detail Collections (Public beta 1) [beta]
This is the first temporary public beta to get the High Definition detail collections able to be tested by a larger group of people, so for this test, we are only including 3 units (Thrall, Warrior and Dwarf) Let us know if you have any issues, because if …
Original Chimera Proposal from Badlands
This document is an old proposal from Badlands to Bungie for Myth 2 Chimera. It will show you what Badlands original idea was for Chimera. The game changed dramatically from what was Badlands original idea.
Myth TFL Quicktime Cutscenes
Quicktime versions of the TFL cutscenes, for use with MythII and The Fallen Levels. To use these files, simply place them in your cutscenes folder. Myth will automatically display them at the correct times when you are playing The Fallen Levels. Quicktime …
Drunken's Formations
As referenced in my Youtube video on formations, here is the file that has been linked. I hope you get the most out of it and it has in the readme installer some brief instructions on how to adjust formations using Fear. …
Bagrada.net Metaserver Plugin
This file is for the Bagrada.net ranked server Download and place in plugins folder Join server via https://bagrada.net/webui/discord For account login credentials, Go to https://bagrada.net/rank-server/login or type "/bagrada-login" in bagrada's discord …
The Myth II Handbook
The Myth II Handbook is a 1999-era treasure trove of Myth 2 goodness which is chock full of strategies, solo level walkthroughs, unit guides, Fear and Loathing mapmaking guides, and a whole lot more Myth goodness, including some behind-the-scenes …
Myth Stylish Desktop Icons
Myth Stylish Desktop Icons v.1.0 By TwiceBorn My new Myth Shortcut Icons in my Games folder: Thought that I would share my custom-made desktop icons for 'Myth: The Fallen Lords', 'Myth II: Soulblighter', and 'Myth III: The Wolf Age' (two variants) in case …
Default Sounds
Do you find the modified sounds for flag captured, contested, 5 min remaining, casualty, etc in stuff like Blue & Grey or Zak's mappacks annoying? Not anymore! This addon file will override any plugins that change the default casualty and netgame …
The Dark Age: FanBook
The Dark Age, a fan fiction book, belong the Myth Series PC-games by Bungie© and Mumbo Jumbo©. Author: Milo “etamnanki”; ©2004 – etamnanki Art: Leflair, PrimordialSeven, Frostbitedude, Samureye I am, Mrsondaba; Formalization: MAIK ©2018 This story is a …
minimumvolume-tired QUIET ANNOUNCER
<> Introducing the Add On that puts the Announcer in the background. Makes playing with the volume up more enjoyable! Now you can hear the sounds of battle more clearly. Also turns off annoying FFA League Casualties sounds like the Default Sounds Add …
Myth 2 Soulblighter Italian Manual
Scan of the Italian version of Myth 2 Soulblighter Manual; unfortunately game was entirely in English,although case and cv cover reports Italian language...enjoy!!
Blue Myth II (aka The Samuel L. Jackson Myth Plugin)
Here it is, the classic, the legend. A plugin that changes almost all of the multiplayer voice cues like "Game On" and "Flag Captured" into something Samuel L. Jackson might say, in a voice that is very similar to Sam Jackson, indeed. Definitely R-Rated. …
Green Berets Guide
This is an online guide that I converted to Word back in the day. I'm not the author, and I don't remember the source (IGN or GameSpy?) which doesn't seem to be available anymore. I recently found it in one of my old HDs. It's now in PDF format for easier …
CrowsBridge.net Metaserver Plugin
This is the plugin for connecting to the CrowsBridge.net metaserver. go to https://crowsbridge.net/ to make an account (linked to your Steam account just like Gate of Storms). After that, download this plugin, unzip it, drop the "crowsbridge" file into …
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