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Highest Rated Netmaps (1 - 15) for Myth II
Phoenix Rising
The Heron Guard, freed from the dishonor of failure and depleted after their battles against the Dark, once more opened their ranks to any warriors brave enough to accept the challenge of the Seven Phoenix Rising Tournament. Of the many young soldiers …
The Camp: POW Rescue Mission
After the carnage all we wanted to do was rest.... But there was no time for rest. A call had just come over the radio that prisoners of war were being held in a large camp just north of the Baron Canal. Being so close, we had to take action. Cozmo's …
Myth TFL Multiplayer Mappack
With version 1.4 of Myth II slated to include a truly accurate TFL style gameplay option, the next obvious step was to create a truly comprehensive and faithful port of all the Myth TFL netmaps. All fourteen original Myth TFL Bungie netmaps, as well as …
Wild West: "Boot Hill"
Note: This plugin requires the Wild West tagset. BEWARE THE DEAD BANDIT KING! Whee-Doggah! Just in time for Halloween 2003! Here we have a bunch of rootin'-tootin' Cowboy fellers havin' themselves one "hell" of a time in a bat-infested Boot Hill boneyard! …
Legacy of Myth
The concept of this map pack was born from me, Jon God, after making 30 new maps for WWII Heroes, I wanted to try my hand at making some maps for regular Myth gameplay. After that, I sought out some inspiration when it hit me. We either get super hardcore …
Axis vs Allies 2 Expansion
Axis vs Allies 2 Expansion now on The Tain!
Heroes of Haxors 2
Take a blender, pour everything you’ve ever learned in myth and then turn it on. What you get is Heroes of Haxors... 7 meshes on 2 maps, 400 units on the same map, 12 different heroes, 22 new special attacks, new units such as Hearthguards from myth III …
StoneHeart RDF
Update v4.1g - Completely revamped Rumble maps plus lots of minor enhancements including 100% compatibility with my Anywhere multiplayer plugins. Enjoy! --Baak **** A major mod of GimpMask's excellent Return to StoneHeart (used with permission). We play …
Five Kingdoms
"A hundred and fifty years ago, a large band of humans from two of the westernmost kingdoms sought to escape from the war with the goblins and the oppression of their kings. Nearly five thousand strong, they set out across the sea with the hope of …
Grim's 2-Team Map Pack
Grim once demanded that I create a plugin full of 2 team maps, so there would be greater variety in the Myth World Cup. This is my homage to him. There are all the major MWC maps in this plugin, with new unit trades, sometimes incorporating a new unit. I …
Magma TFL Multipack
This is an update from the original TFL Multipack by ChrisP and ProjectMagma, located here: Myth TFL Multiplayer Mappack. This update fixes the infamous extra trow for For Carnage Apply Within Dark 8 start, as well as the extra Archer Heroes for one team …
Digging around in Amber one day I found a cool little pregame for a map titled "Gothic". Of course the pregame was the only thing that was there. I immediately wanted to play it. When I mentioned it to Demosthenes, he said, "That looks just like Cryptic …
Moon Shadow Cave
There are five variants of this map of which the slugfest is the most unique. There is a unit on slugfest that will allow you to "convert" enemy units to your side. Try it out, you just might like it. =)
Boil and Bubble, Toil and Trouble
Fillet of a fenny snake, In the cauldron boil and bake; Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog, Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. …
Titus Groan
Titus Groan is a 5 team FFA map featuring flowering trees, sandy beaches and a small hill in the middle. Destroy the spring felling in this map with blood and guts galore.
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