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- Myth II: Defend The Seven Gates (BetaV8.0)
- Siege of Belmont [RE]
- Shards of the Ermine [RE]
- Myth II: Broken Cycle
- Phantom Hounds: Haunted Heart
- Freedom I
- Freedom II
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- 8103 - Chimera
- 7562 - The Havre River
- 5515 - Myth II: Dark Campaign
- 5427 - Blue & Grey
- 4460 - Phantom Hounds: The Call of Glory
- 4082 - The Battle for Urbarahz v1.1
- 3720 - The Year of Burning Stone
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Highest Rated Scenarios (1 - 15) for Myth II
Freedom I
Some people play cowboys and indians. When Da Cid and I started playing with our friend, Solomon (he's five years old) we sort of played Braveheart instead. From there, it grew to become a very odd blend of Myth, Braveheart, Lord of The Rings and other …
Blue & Grey
This project began over a year ago as an extension of the two previous Civil War conversions (with the kind permission of their authors), and as Myth 1.4 progressed, it continued to grow in realism and gameplay depth. Indeed, many of the mapmaking …
The Year of Burning Stone
"I shall have the Ibis Crown, pretender, if I must take it from your crushed skull with my own two hands," Balor shrieked, and loosed the magics which would turn a green and pleasant land into a desolate expanse of ash and soot. Days later the Heron Guard …
Solo Campaign
This is campaign that converts six multiplayer levels into solos. There is also a defensive variant of "Into the Breach" (don't mix this with GoC though-these levels are completely different, and are all beatable on legendary). All levels include short …
Shards of the Ermine [RE]
Plugin: [+] 5 levels As the Crow Flies Borogove Caer Cadarn Pandemonium Flight in the Dark [+] Interface (1024x768) [+] RU Localization What's New in [RE] - version? Fixed bugs with the "wrong" scripts. Added texture pack. (Warning! Texture Pack conflicts …
Siege of Belmont [RE]
Plugin: [+] 5 levels Siege of Belmont Freezing on the Road Birka Kupel of Life Destruction (Commander) [+] Interface (1024x768) [+] RU Localization What's New in [RE] - version? Fixed bugs with the "wrong" scripts. Added textures for: walls, huts, gates, …
Phantom Hounds: The Call of Glory
Phantom Hounds: The Call of Glory follows an elite special-ops team called The Phantom Hounds serving in Maeldun’s legion during The Great War. The long-neglected force has been set on guard duty in a series of remote outposts where their talents are …
Freedom II
My whole life I've wasted time inventing silly games to play requiring little more than a stick and an active imagination. So it turned out that when my nephew Solomon began to walk and talk and whatnot... we invented a game based on Braveheart. It was …
"...When I first began to have visions I shared them with you, for the evil in them was familiar to me. But you dismissed them because peace has lain easily on our land. At first I also sought to dismiss them. Now, however, I see too clearly the gardens …
Note: The Interface plugin included with CAGES is NOT compatible with the current version of Myth II. CAGES - Central Agency Government of Earth and Space I could hear the gun fire over my head, and all around the shots were being fired. Oddly enough, I …
The Havre River
The Havre River Saga™ is a map series like no other. Beautiful Color maps™, Jaw Dropping Scripting™, Stunning New Units™, and an Immersive Storyline™, make The Havre River a must have for any Myth fan. What starts as a routine patrol mission on the edge …
Phantom Hounds: Haunted Heart
Phantom Hounds: Haunted Heart is the second installment in the Phantom Hounds series, which follows an elite special-ops team serving in Maeldun’s legion during The Great War. In Haunted Heart, the Phantom Hounds have been sent on a mission to Muirthemne, …
Myth II: Broken Cycle
Myth II: Broken Cycle is a dark conversion of the Myth II solo game. It contains 26 meshes, new units and story, and lots of scripting to create a scenario played out from the Dark point of view. [from geezers from hell] Myth II: Broken Cycle by He Who …
Sisters of the Blade
Prologue- My name is Asher, and I'm the apprentice of Ezrath, historian and prophet of the Order of the Blade. My job is to assist Ezrath in chronicling the events of the world, and to record his prophecies when he isn't able. I've only had this position …
The Battle for Urbarahz v1.1
The Battle for Urbarahz Created by members of Project Magma and the Onyx Warlords. The Goblins’ seemingly endless host has penetrated the borders and has overrun the lowlands on their march toward the mountain of Urbarahz. Join in the defense of the …
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