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Most Downloaded Solos/Coops (1 - 15) for Myth II
The Fallen Levels v2
After working on vTFL for Myth II v1.4, and porting the TFL multiplayer maps to Myth II, we began work on porting the TFL soloplayer maps to Myth II. Every level has been ported with painstaking accuracy, including not only the secret level, "A Long …
Mazzarin's Demise VI
Project Magma proudly presents Mazzarin's Demise VI, exclusively for Myth II 1.6. Once again, the Mazzarin's Demise series redefines epic co-op gameplay. In addition to more enemies, more spells, and new special effects, this installment provides players …
"...When I first began to have visions I shared them with you, for the evil in them was familiar to me. But you dismissed them because peace has lain easily on our land. At first I also sought to dismiss them. Now, however, I see too clearly the gardens …
The Havre River
The Havre River Saga™ is a map series like no other. Beautiful Color maps™, Jaw Dropping Scripting™, Stunning New Units™, and an Immersive Storyline™, make The Havre River a must have for any Myth fan. What starts as a routine patrol mission on the edge …
Myth II: Dark Campaign
This is my biggest Myth map endeavor yet, but I am no newbie at the map making game (My other maps being "I'll Dance on Your Landfill" , "All Roads Lead to Muirthemne", "Dwarven Football Field", "Football Field", and "Shygaard"). If you've never heard of …
Blue & Grey
This project began over a year ago as an extension of the two previous Civil War conversions (with the kind permission of their authors), and as Myth 1.4 progressed, it continued to grow in realism and gameplay depth. Indeed, many of the mapmaking …
Phantom Hounds: The Call of Glory
Phantom Hounds: The Call of Glory follows an elite special-ops team called The Phantom Hounds serving in Maeldun’s legion during The Great War. The long-neglected force has been set on guard duty in a series of remote outposts where their talents are …
The Battle for Urbarahz v1.1
The Battle for Urbarahz Created by members of Project Magma and the Onyx Warlords. The Goblins’ seemingly endless host has penetrated the borders and has overrun the lowlands on their march toward the mountain of Urbarahz. Join in the defense of the …
HeroQuest: Palace of Fallen Majesty
Cmap and Scripting by Fury IX. Loosely based on a Milton Bradley board game. Still beta! All units and sprites taken from various plugins. Huge Thanks to TSG, Iron, Tarous Zars, Gleep, Soulblaster, ONYX, Dreamseeds, and many others. Explore ancient halls …
You, Gallathan the Knight, wake up with your 8 companions in a square room without any door or windows. You don't know who and why imprisoned you here. You can't even recall what had happened before you fell asleep. The only chance for you is to follow …
Requiem of the Dead
"Why Mazzarin could not divine his own future with clarity will be forever unknown, but perhaps he glimpsed the torment and shadows that awaited, for he began to gather a band of champions, gifting them with artifacts magical and of strange technologies …
Shadow of the Mountain III
Shadow of the Mountain was always one of the more popular TFL levels, noted for the randomization of its orderly attack waves and its feeling of desperation it gave as you clung to your hilltop defence. Magma's Shadow II TFL plugin took that to a new …
The Five Legends (for Myth II)
Long ago, a group called the Crows Bridge Cartographers released a creation called Legendary.gor for Myth TFL. Its basic premise, that of playing the solo levels using only the units from The Five Champions, proved extremely popular. When we made the …
The Year of Burning Stone
"I shall have the Ibis Crown, pretender, if I must take it from your crushed skull with my own two hands," Balor shrieked, and loosed the magics which would turn a green and pleasant land into a desolate expanse of ash and soot. Days later the Heron Guard …
Myth III Public Beta [beta]
Myth III for Myth II port is finally here.. sort of. I've decided that rather than sitting on a plugin I don't have the time or motivation to finish I'd release the last beta that was available to the playtesters. Its time to let this plugin bring some …
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