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Most Downloaded Team Netmaps (61 - 75) for Myth II
The Chill of Winter
The "The Chill of Winter" is basically the same as "Dead of Winter" which comes with the Myth 2 cd. The only change however, is the units. They are the same units found in the "If I had a trow" map. I figured it would be fun to play with trow's in the …
First of all, this plug-in is the answer to those that made suggestions about my previous release "Stone Heart." It has four meshes, each taking advantage of the various facets of the Myth engine to grant satisfying gameplay. These maps are large …
Beckoning Wilds TE
Tournament Edition of Beckoning Wilds -New unit sets -Modified flag placement -Increased field of view Original version by Remedial TE changes by HMP and Limp
Nure-onna [beta]
A 2 team map. New Units: bre'Unor Ninjas are basically just faster bowmen, slower and weaker then real bre'Unor. Ghost Trow & Ghost Bowmen perish when healed, projectiles pass through them like Soulless & puss doesn't paralyze, other then that …
Mudpit/Carnage Combo
This plugin contains two maps ported from Myth: The Fallen Lords (MTFL), Mudpit Massacre and For Carnage Apply Within. A lot of effort has gone into making an accurate port of the maps. I believe this has been achieved as much as is possible, given the …
Shimedaiko (MWC)
I have taken Shimedaiko and put three very vanilla unit trades on it. There is an If I had a Trow unit trade, a Desert Between your Ears unit trade, and a Venice X2 (copied from the barrens) unit trade. Check it out fools, booyakasha!
Wild West: Snows of the Western Plain
Note: This plugin requires The Wild West.tagset. "Snows of the Western Plain" is the Wild West version of a previously released map ("Snow on the Plains" by Leif). With a few minor modifications, that is. "Snows of the Western Plain" supports all game …
Sticks and Stones (MWC)
This is Remedial's Sticks and Stones, with regular units in a 2 team setting! Light mesh: Desert Between your Ears trade. Dark mesh: If I had a Trow trade. This was made so grim would have more MWC options
Behind the Library (MWC 2 team)
I have modified "Behind the Library", cutting its number of meshes down to two. The meshes are called "Stairs of Covenant". The dark mesh has trow, fetch, warlocks, archers, myrkridia, berserks, mauls, and wights The light mesh has journeymen, archers, …
Quixotism (MWC)
Stolen from Jinn™ This is a 2 fort mesh with multiple places to cross a middle river. I have placed standard light, shuffle (with 1 jman for pus), acts of cruelty, and caer cadarn trow trades. This should be fun, check it out grim!
Tears of Rhiornin (MWC)
This is a modified variant of Stinger's "Tears of Rhi'Ornin". I modified the unit trade so that you have myrmidons, soulless, fetch, dwarf heroes, trow, berserks, wights, and for a little myth 2 flavor, warlocks. Nothing special about this one, much like …
Peace on the Ramparts TE
Tournament Edition of Peace on the Ramparts -Modified Flag placement -Added 2-team meshes with appropriate unit sets Original version by KillerK and Creation TE changes by HMP and Limp
Going to Town TE
Tournament Edition Changes by HMP and Limp -New unit sets -Changed Flag placement Original version by Bungie
PDA (Zakked)
I took AnubisTTP's PDA map (Awesome work btw) and made it compatible with the MWC 2 team lifestyle. Dark has a gyre feel to it, with some ghols. Light has a gimble feel to it. Grim won't use this in MWC I bet!
cremisi this proving [beta]
Based on proving ground this is a two team map in both light and dark units.
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