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Most Downloaded Team Netmaps (76 - 90) for Myth II
Sedimental Flora
Sedimental is a small map for 2 players, set in a marshy scene. It was designed to be asymetrical as far as possible, to allow for interesting gameplay. There are lots a fun little gameplay features in this map, such as the fact that both teams will …
A Day at the Beach
This is a map for grim to use in MWC Dark has myrks, mauls, fetch, warlocks, archers, berserks, ghols, and wights. I threw in a heron guard hero so the ghols could use pus. Light has archers, warriors, dwarves, journeymen, ghols, wights, and thrall.
Manistee Paintball Challenge (Regular Myth)
This map works for regular myth play! There are 2 bridges and water in the center. I put two light trades and two dark trades on this two team map!
Despair At the Knot
Despair at the Knot v1.1 Rolling on the Knot Laughing v1.1 Game types featured: - Body count - Last man on the hill - King of the hill - Steal the bacon Both versions have a Journeyman, four ghôls and two archers. At the start location the archers see …
Talus (MWC)
I have taken Gimpmask's Talus plugin and changed the unit trades to more MWC appropriate ones. There are Dark Canyon, Grilling Grounds, Drowned Empire, and Great Divide unit trades. I'm sure one of them falls under light/semilight, right grimster?
Zodiac (MWC Dragons)
So this is a variant of the map "Zodiac" by Knight Hawk. The units have been changed, obviously. The only new unit is the dragon, which has been carefully balanced and tweaked to work with regular myth units. If that isn't enough, there are soulless, …
Scream on the Borderlands [beta]
Featuring a brand new unit: The Necromancer. This is Creep on the Borderlands with a new unit trade designed to highlight the new star unit of an upcoming solo plug: the necromancer. With the ability to raise any dead body on the map, it becomes …
Green Paradise TE (v1.2)
This is an updated version of an FFA map by Krille modified into 2-team variants for MWC2011. It is now being featured in MWC2012.
Primordial Soup (MWC)
I have turned this into a two team mesh with two standard unit trades. There is one with a Drowned Kingdom unit trade The other has a "If I had a Trow" unit trade. All for you grim!
The Green Divide
The Green Divide This map takes "The Great Divide" by Badlands and heavily modifies or replaces the layout, terrain, colormap, scenery, detail textures, and units. The result will be a familiar layout, but should play quite differently due to being more …
A Bolstering of Doubt (MWC)
Another WWO map that I have changed slightly. This map has trow, myrkridia, berserks, dwarf heroes, warlocks, soulless, and two new units. There is the minion, its like a floating ghast, it goes pretty fast but its attack is very weak. Useful for mixing …
Whirlwind (Bre'Unor)
This map is a remake of "When the ghols come around". It has 3 types of breunor. There is the original type, which you are familiar with, that now throws farther and is thus more useful. Then there is the bre'unor shaman, who has a lighting attack that …
Nure-Onna (Zakked)
This map was made by Knight Hawk, and I have changed it slightly. I replaced some of the units. I am introducing TWO new units (I know its a complete mindfuck for the slow to adapt)! One is a land dragon, that has a stoning breath that it can use TWICE …
Clueless (MWC)
This is a 2 team multiplayer map on the mesh originally used for Datax's "Clue: A Knife in the Dark". I have of course removed all the scripting, with the exception of the secret passageways in the corners. It has mauls, archers, dwarves, fetch, warriors, …
Myrkridian Slave Trade (MWC)
I have edited Myrkridian Slave Trade to make it more compatible with MWC. For the Dark mesh I have one trow, warlocks, mortars, archers, berserks, mauls, warriors, and wights. For the light mesh I copied the unit trade from "calm before the storm" which …
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