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Highest Rated Team Netmaps (31 - 45) for Myth II
Lichen unto Death
Lichen Unto Death is a two team netmap set in a lush, tropical forest setting that simply screams "defile me, dammit!" Ahem... anyway, this plugin contains two meshes, a Light and Dark variant, as well as all sorts of nitty gritty tags that you probably …
In the Machine
In the Machine is a Myth II: Soulblighter 2=team multiplayer map that takes place on a computers motherboard. It also includes five new units modeled to look like electronics conponents.The new units are were modeled in Bryce 4.
Divide MWC 2007
I was asked to change the color indexing on herons to make it easier to tell teams apart for the Great Divide map, here you go. I also made it easier to tell the Heron Heroes from the regular herons. This is a Badlands creation, I did not make or design …
Wild West: Snows of the Western Plain
Note: This plugin requires The Wild West.tagset. "Snows of the Western Plain" is the Wild West version of a previously released map ("Snow on the Plains" by Leif). With a few minor modifications, that is. "Snows of the Western Plain" supports all game …
Mjila, light and dark two-team meshes using traditional units for Myth II. Mjilamania, the light mesh: - Dwarves 6/9 - Bowmen 12/18 - Ghols 12/18 - Thrall 15/30 - Journeymen 3/3 - Wights 3/6 - Warriors 12/18 - Stampede units are Peasants, and they must be …
The Melting Point
Hello, Myth. Trying a different twist on the usual formula for a 2 Team map: Teams fight for the upper hand on a snowy ridge running diagonally through the map. There are pinch points on both ends of the ridge with muddy icy water nearby. Check it out and …
The Heroes
The Battle of the Heroes, also known as the Battle of Osrung, is the major decisive battle of the Second Northern War, between the Union and the North during Joe Abercrombie's book The Heroes, culminating in the climactic three-day battle around the …
Rack & Ruin MWC2020
This color map was originally made by Remedial. I have heavily adjusted flag placement, overhead map size, unit trading, and zoom to make it viable tournament use. Assassin statues used are from The Great Divide. Special thanks to HMP for his help.
Manistee Paintball Challenge (Regular Myth)
This map works for regular myth play! There are 2 bridges and water in the center. I put two light trades and two dark trades on this two team map!
If I Had Lederhosen
From the creator of The Cursed Land. This is an (de?)evolution of the Bungie classic The Desert Between Your Ears/If I Had a Trow... The idea is that the desert was once lush grassland. Think of it as erosion in reverse. As an experiment I wanted to see …
Dun Caric Teams
2 team version of Dun Caric by Limp and HMP -5 different meshes: Light, Dark, Trow, Shadow, and Epoch Original Version by Badlands http://tain.totalcodex.net/items/show/dun-caric
Remnants of Harrenhall (The Winter Series Edition) [beta]
Thats right folks, another remnants update, and some serious work has been done since the 4th of july edition! Some high-res units, addition of more 3rd party reg units such as the boneman, and the pantless peasant! As always, big thanks to everyone who …
The Highlands TE (1.2)
The Highlands is an old map with new unitsets (and flag placements) that were balanced for 2-team play in MWC2011. It is currently being commissioned for MWC2012
Azkruic Epoch
This is the revision of my original two mesh plug-in "Azkruic Epoch." I received a good response from version 1.0 and wanted to "clean up" and release a better version to accommodate online play. This is an original two mesh plug-in set in the same …
Keep Across the River
Two Keeps, one river, a mysteriously destroyed orchard and some bad blood between neighbors. Rumors abound as the Keep inhabitants find themselves on the brink of war over this once peaceful valley. Now it's up to you, attack your opponent's stronghold or …
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