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- wAvA-IX-ForgottenHeroes-v184
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- 5.00 - wAvA-IX-ForgottenHeroes-v184
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Largest Coops/Netmaps (1 - 15) for Myth II
wAvA-WatchTheWind [beta]
--x----X--/--wAvA-WatchTheWind-1.8.4b----X----/--x--- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X----- WtW wAvA Credits; MAPS By: PoinT &TheMythCommunity ~ Carlinho, Jon God, Palidin, The Pope, Gi Joe, Sk8er for life & Bungie. Scripting: …
MYTH II 20th anniversary- Forgotten Heroes Remembered Troubled Times as a World yet again Struggles Against Darkness Fury's Forgotten Heroes.... Is now remade and remembered in Warfare Axis vs Allies. Follow Fury and his band of Heroes as they take on the …
Chess Wars [beta]
Chess Wars & Ninja Golf was made based on Elijah's plugin Myth Chess, which inspired me to work on this. I decided to improve the graphics, effects, and script of the original plugin, bringing a more up to date version of a chess conversion to the …
Trow Killer Deluxe
Trow Killers Deluxe is a series of Co-Op Myth II: Soulblighter maps that introduces a horde of new units for both light & dark. If you are a fan of Mazz, this will be much the same with mutli-levels so vets can advance. As you win each map, you also …
wAvA-OZoneRedux-1.8.4 [beta]
--------MYTH II 20th anniversary--- -----x----X----/wAvA-OZoneRedux-1.8.4-x----X---- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X-----x---------x----X----/----x----X-----– Credits, WWII:units and items by Santa’s Head , MAPS By OZONE detail textures by Jon …
Hidden Gems: Unauthorized Version [beta]
The Secret Units Bungie Doesn't Want You To See!
Hero Wars
This is a very cool Coop/Assassin map. Yes a 2-team map with 8 Good and 8 Evil Heroes to play with but there will only be one per player, per team. These Heroes can level up and with each level their armour/health/move speed and attack speed will …
Special Forces / Carnage Islands
This download contains Carnage Island and the Special Forces Unit Plug that I've been toying with for some time now. Lately I've been toying with it less and less, so thought I may as well release it now before it never sees the light of day. I've also …
wAvA-Winter Crossroads [beta]
----x----X----/----x---wAvA-WinterCrossroads-1.8.2----x----X----/----x--- -----x----X----/----x----X-----x----------X-----x---------x----X----/----x----X-----– Credits; MAP By: PoinT - Scripting: Fury&Point wAvA units and maps by PoinT-ARMY. WWII: …
Shiver's Turn [beta]
NOTE: The major bugs from versions rc9, rc9a, and rc9b have finally been fixed for good. Sorry for the multiple releases in such a short time. OmniPatches from those versions to ST rc9c can be found here. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This plugin …
Manistee Paintball Challenge
MPC takes full advantage of many of the new features implemented by Myth II v1.4 Co-op & Multiplayer Game Play Highly Randomized Solo/Cooperative-Play Map. Timid-Normal: Should provide a good challenge for the novice up thru to experienced Myth …
Gmod Beta v1.1 [beta]
Gmod Beta v1.1 adds heroes with unique abilities throughout the campaign and many of the standard net maps. It needs much refinement I'm sure, however it is a blast to play. I hope you'll try it and have as much fun as I do. Across the netmaps traded …
Lich King [beta]
An ancient evil has arisen from the grave and is raising an army of undead minions. You and anyone else brave enough, must fight through an ever increasing army shrouded in black smoke and even darker magic. But beware - not only must you fight the …
WWII: War is Hell
This is version 1.2 of WiH. It was fixed by Fury IX awhile ago but now its being made public. This plugin features 7 different multiplayer netmaps and 3 solo/co-op meshes. The Carnage varient features over 120 soldiers on each team with tanks and choppers …
A Separation of Ages
In proof that Creation is alive & well & still doing what we do best, we would like to announce "A Separation of Ages"This project is a two-map solo/Multiplayer scenario. It tells of the challenges of warrior friends Gwyon & Seven Wind. The 2 …
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