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Largest Team Netmaps (46 - 60) for Myth II
Going to Town MWC2020
Originally created by Bungie, this map has received a serious overhaul. Four all new trades, new flag placements and tree removal, and the camera has been zoomed out more. Created for 2 team in mind.
Shimedaiko MWC2020
Originally created by Cydonian of Creation. I have zoomed the camera out for tournament use.
Tears of Rhi'ornin MWC2020
Originally created by Stinger, I have zoomed the camera out to make it suitable for tournament use.
Nure-onna [beta]
A 2 team map. New Units: bre'Unor Ninjas are basically just faster bowmen, slower and weaker then real bre'Unor. Ghost Trow & Ghost Bowmen perish when healed, projectiles pass through them like Soulless & puss doesn't paralyze, other then that …
Shimedaiko MWC2021 T.E. v1.7
1.7 update: Composite Changes - Adjusted some impassible terrain behind North West unit spawns on all 3 meshes Mesh Changes: Dark - Differences between each team's timing of arriving to mid and perimeter on Flag Rally Gametype have been significantly …
PG Dueling Pack 1 Fixed
Fix for unit trading errors on PG Dueling Pack 1
Shuffle off this Mortal Coil
This is a 2 team multiplayer night map. Shuffle has a wall/river combination similar to Creep on the Borderlands, however unlike Creep's walls, Shuffle's walls are climbable. As an added bonus if you play Shuffle on legendary you will be able to summon …
UPDATE: v1.4 alters the number of archers in the south start position to 22/28 which matches the north start. UPDATE: v1.3 tweaks the Shadow unitset to the specifications of the Blood Tournament players and organizers. We're sorry for the inconvenience, …
Tallow 2013 T.E.
This is a plugin using a netmap originally created by Vista Cartel, mostly by Circumflex I believe. It was originally a FFA map, with several starts, but now its a 2 team map. Limp ~mui~ has created two different variants for this plugin, using regular …
Fosgarach Ruillick
Fosgarach Ruillick is a two-team multiplayer mesh produced as part of the Chimera expansion pack. This is not the full Chimera plugin. This is a single multiplayer mesh, with all of the Chimera tags trimmed out to make a compact download size for …
Nure-Onna (Zakked)
This map was made by Knight Hawk, and I have changed it slightly. I replaced some of the units. I am introducing TWO new units (I know its a complete mindfuck for the slow to adapt)! One is a land dragon, that has a stoning breath that it can use TWICE …
Tears of Rhiornin (MWC)
This is a modified variant of Stinger's "Tears of Rhi'Ornin". I modified the unit trade so that you have myrmidons, soulless, fetch, dwarf heroes, trow, berserks, wights, and for a little myth 2 flavor, warlocks. Nothing special about this one, much like …
Whirlwind (Bre'Unor)
This map is a remake of "When the ghols come around". It has 3 types of breunor. There is the original type, which you are familiar with, that now throws farther and is thus more useful. Then there is the bre'unor shaman, who has a lighting attack that …
A Day at the Beach
This is a map for grim to use in MWC Dark has myrks, mauls, fetch, warlocks, archers, berserks, ghols, and wights. I threw in a heron guard hero so the ghols could use pus. Light has archers, warriors, dwarves, journeymen, ghols, wights, and thrall.
Caer Cadarn
Cleared by Northerners 10 years after the great war. A major trade route spread through the area, connecting the dwarves homeland and the western world. The area was originally a place of the cruelest wilderness, with only the bravest of warriors and …
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