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Largest Team Netmaps (61 - 75) for Myth II
Grilling Grounds
In his tireless effort to provide you with the ultimate gaming experience, Soma has made another astounding accomplishment. Laugh! Cry! Rejoice! The Grilling Grounds v1 Multiplayermap has arrived. :P Here's what you'll get when you install the map: 3 new …
Still of Winter MWC2020
This map was originally created by Bungie and was titled "Dead of Winter" I have created 4 new meshes (Trow, FG, Light, Dark) as well as adding flags, and zooming out the camera. Wind and snow have also been turned off to make dwarves more effective. THIS …
Krille's Finished maps
The team and I took krilles unfinished maps and put mesh parameters and fixed up the terrain map on 1 mesh. Now its finished! Enjoy!
The Highlands TE (1.2)
The Highlands is an old map with new unitsets (and flag placements) that were balanced for 2-team play in MWC2011. It is currently being commissioned for MWC2012
Covenant Rumble v1 b3 [beta]
This is an upload of an old map I made for practice many years ago. Can't guarantee it's quality or anything... ----> Covenant Rumble <---- I never make color maps, so I finally told myself, 'Jon God, you should make a color map.' I am not a color …
Keep Across the River
Two Keeps, one river, a mysteriously destroyed orchard and some bad blood between neighbors. Rumors abound as the Keep inhabitants find themselves on the brink of war over this once peaceful valley. Now it's up to you, attack your opponent's stronghold or …
Lichen unto Death
Lichen Unto Death is a two team netmap set in a lush, tropical forest setting that simply screams "defile me, dammit!" Ahem... anyway, this plugin contains two meshes, a Light and Dark variant, as well as all sorts of nitty gritty tags that you probably …
Fosgarach Ruillick MWC 2007
I did NOT design this map. I did NOT make this map. I only deleted the self destructing thrall. Also I added a dark trade. Trow Fetch Mauls Myrks Morts Spids Souls Wights
Sundering 1.1
A Sundering of Faith / A Bolstering of Doubt (light / dark) (previously part of Equinox pack; see that listing for more complete info.) Hot action right from the start. Sexy ghasts. Lots of wight opportunities. 1.1 Fixed missing color map LOL! stuff you …
Arsaidh Deas-ghnath 1.2
Arsaidh Deas-ghnath + dark version (previously part of Equinox pack; see that listing for more complete info.) A meandering river connects the four hills once used for ancient rituals. Now it is time for your blood to be spilled there, too. 1.2 mystics: 6 …
The Cursed Land
This is a fairly large two team map with somewhat large armies. It probably requires at least 3 people on a team for that team to be effective. (although, during testing we had some fun during crazy one-on-one matches.) It's gone through a long beta …
A Bolstering of Doubt (MWC)
Another WWO map that I have changed slightly. This map has trow, myrkridia, berserks, dwarf heroes, warlocks, soulless, and two new units. There is the minion, its like a floating ghast, it goes pretty fast but its attack is very weak. Useful for mixing …
If I Had A Winter Series
So there was this winter mappack that deqlyn made I think, so I took that, extracted the trow mesh, and gave it trow units. Then I added an awesome pregame image (thanks to pyro for doing it for me!), and took these funny voices from a plugin called helms …
Peace on the Ramparts TE
Tournament Edition of Peace on the Ramparts -Modified Flag placement -Added 2-team meshes with appropriate unit sets Original version by KillerK and Creation TE changes by HMP and Limp
Going to Town TE
Tournament Edition Changes by HMP and Limp -New unit sets -Changed Flag placement Original version by Bungie
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