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Largest Team Netmaps (31 - 45) for Myth II
Zodiac (MWC Dragons)
So this is a variant of the map "Zodiac" by Knight Hawk. The units have been changed, obviously. The only new unit is the dragon, which has been carefully balanced and tweaked to work with regular myth units. If that isn't enough, there are soulless, …
Quixotism (MWC)
Stolen from Jinn™ This is a 2 fort mesh with multiple places to cross a middle river. I have placed standard light, shuffle (with 1 jman for pus), acts of cruelty, and caer cadarn trow trades. This should be fun, check it out grim!
Manistee Paintball Challenge (Regular Myth)
This map works for regular myth play! There are 2 bridges and water in the center. I put two light trades and two dark trades on this two team map!
Quixotism T.E. v1.3
This is the Jinn map Quixotism converted into a regular 2 team map for tournament use. There are 3 separate meshes. Conversion by Limp and HMP
Mjila, light and dark two-team meshes using traditional units for Myth II. Mjilamania, the light mesh: - Dwarves 6/9 - Bowmen 12/18 - Ghols 12/18 - Thrall 15/30 - Journeymen 3/3 - Wights 3/6 - Warriors 12/18 - Stampede units are Peasants, and they must be …
River of Life MWC2020
Originally created by Creation, this map has received an overhaul. New crossings added throughout, new flag placements, new trades. 4 meshes in all specifically made for 2 team play. Features 2 new units: Ravager- Soulblighter skin with heron healer …
Shuffle off this Mortal Coil MWC2020
Originally created by Leadfeather, this map has received a serious overhaul. Three all new trades and the camera has been zoomed out more. Created for 2 team in mind.
Green Acres 2013 T.E.
This is a plugin using a netmap originally created by the mapmaking group Badlands. It was originally a FFA map, with several starts, but now its a 2 team map. Limp ~mui~ has created three different variants for this plugin, using regular myth units, that …
Divide MWC 2007
I was asked to change the color indexing on herons to make it easier to tell teams apart for the Great Divide map, here you go. I also made it easier to tell the Heron Heroes from the regular herons. This is a Badlands creation, I did not make or design …
In the Midst of Cavalry
So this is based on HMP's "In the Midst" map. I have not changed much, just replaced the heron guard heroes with cavalry. Cavalry cost 8 points, run about a spider's speed, and have about the health of a maul. Otherwise this is your typical light map. …
Shimedaiko (MWC)
I have taken Shimedaiko and put three very vanilla unit trades on it. There is an If I had a Trow unit trade, a Desert Between your Ears unit trade, and a Venice X2 (copied from the barrens) unit trade. Check it out fools, booyakasha!
This is an indoor map stolen from Jinn! There are 3 unit trades, Caer Dark, Grilling Grounds, and Desert between your ears. There are doors in this map that you can operate, potentially creating choke points or crushing foes. Any unit can use the …
Scream on the Borderlands [beta]
Featuring a brand new unit: The Necromancer. This is Creep on the Borderlands with a new unit trade designed to highlight the new star unit of an upcoming solo plug: the necromancer. With the ability to raise any dead body on the map, it becomes …
A Map by Kamsar, Colormap by Magellan, Assorted ideas by Ar-Isildur.* This is a shortened version of the full manual. What is SIEGE? SIEGE is a map for Myth II: Soulblighter. It pits two opposing fortresses against each other. Each fortress has a cannon …
Lichen Unto Death MWC2020
Originally created by Badlands, this map has received a serious overhaul. Three all new trades and flag placements. Created for 2 team in mind.
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