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Largest Team Netmaps (106 - 113) for Myth II
Rank and Defiled
Featuring artwork by Legolas of Clan Plaid and mesh by Malkavian, this epic-two team map has been released for public download and suggestion. Featuring meshes with Heron Guards, Myrkridia, and a special Classic mesh that takes you back to days before …
Motte and Bailey
This map takes place during a siege of a motte and bailey stronghold. It's a re-creation of a castle in the game, Lords of the Realm 2™ by Sierra®, although the motte (prounounced "mott") and bailey castle design was actually used during the medieval …
First of all, this plug-in is the answer to those that made suggestions about my previous release "Stone Heart." It has four meshes, each taking advantage of the various facets of the Myth engine to grant satisfying gameplay. These maps are large …
In the Machine
In the Machine is a Myth II: Soulblighter 2=team multiplayer map that takes place on a computers motherboard. It also includes five new units modeled to look like electronics conponents.The new units are were modeled in Bryce 4.
Sticks and Stones (MWC)
This is Remedial's Sticks and Stones, with regular units in a 2 team setting! Light mesh: Desert Between your Ears trade. Dark mesh: If I had a Trow trade. This was made so grim would have more MWC options
Behind the Library (MWC 2 team)
I have modified "Behind the Library", cutting its number of meshes down to two. The meshes are called "Stairs of Covenant". The dark mesh has trow, fetch, warlocks, archers, myrkridia, berserks, mauls, and wights The light mesh has journeymen, archers, …
Sedimental Flora
Sedimental is a small map for 2 players, set in a marshy scene. It was designed to be asymetrical as far as possible, to allow for interesting gameplay. There are lots a fun little gameplay features in this map, such as the fact that both teams will …
If I Had a Changeling
If I Had a Changeling... uses the newest unit from Bungie called the "Changeling". I've replaced most of the units on the If I Had a Trow map with different ones to spruce it up and maybe add some spice. Don't forget to read the readme. Changes in 1.1: I …
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