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Largest Team Netmaps (76 - 90) for Myth II
PDA (Zakked)
I took AnubisTTP's PDA map (Awesome work btw) and made it compatible with the MWC 2 team lifestyle. Dark has a gyre feel to it, with some ghols. Light has a gimble feel to it. Grim won't use this in MWC I bet!
cremisi this proving [beta]
Based on proving ground this is a two team map in both light and dark units.
Green Paradise 1.2 TE
Krille's original Green Paradise mesh, edited for MWC 2011 play. (The three sink pools in the middle that supported living units walking in it was made impassible).
PDA is an indoor multiplayer map for Myth II: Soulblighter. PDA features a handpainted colormap, retextured models and new scenery. The unit set is as follows. Warriors 12/20 Archers 8/16 Spiders 12/21 Soulless 3/6 Heron Guard 6/12 Fetch 2/4 Mahir 1/1 PDA …
Wild West: Snows of the Western Plain
Note: This plugin requires The Wild West.tagset. "Snows of the Western Plain" is the Wild West version of a previously released map ("Snow on the Plains" by Leif). With a few minor modifications, that is. "Snows of the Western Plain" supports all game …
Creep MWC2020
This map is a conversion of the classic Myth:TFL map, Creep on the Borderlands. I have also added a dark variant, titled "Crawl on the Borderlands" with Trow. In addition, FR flags have been mirrored to mimic territories flags, and a mid flag has been …
Belly of the Beast MWC2020
Originally created by Badlands, this map has received a serious overhaul. New start positions, trades, and flag placements. Created for 2 team in mind.
Borogrove MWC2020
Originally created by Leadfeather, this map has received a serious overhaul. Four all new trades and flag placements. Created for 2 team in mind.
Krakatoa MWC2020
This map was originally created by Malkavian. It has been updated with an added Trow mesh called "Krakatrowa" and all the meshes have been zoomed out to improve the overall visibility of the map.
Hills of the Crow TE (v1.2)
This is an old map made into 2-team variants for MWC2011. It is now being featured in MWC2012.
Green Paradise TE (v1.2)
This is an updated version of an FFA map by Krille modified into 2-team variants for MWC2011. It is now being featured in MWC2012.
Azkruic Epoch
This is the revision of my original two mesh plug-in "Azkruic Epoch." I received a good response from version 1.0 and wanted to "clean up" and release a better version to accommodate online play. This is an original two mesh plug-in set in the same …
Smash the Mirror
Many years ago, while hanging out on uDogs- someone floated me a colormap that consisted of the solo level Into the Breach mirrored as a 2-team multiplayer. Nothing else was fleshed out, but the layout clearly had potential. This map is the heir to that …
If I Had Lederhosen
From the creator of The Cursed Land. This is an (de?)evolution of the Bungie classic The Desert Between Your Ears/If I Had a Trow... The idea is that the desert was once lush grassland. Think of it as erosion in reverse. As an experiment I wanted to see …
Culloden Hill
This windswept heath is where Bonnie Prince Charlie's men were defeated by the Duke of Cumberland, known forever after as "The Butcher". One thousand two hundred Highlanders lost their lives here on the morning of April 16th, 1746. Buried in mass graves, …
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